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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. i really hope it's not gonna be crappy for the PC version. will it be on steam?
  2. Probably, I'm getting the PC vers 100% so I can laugh at all the console niggas that my online is hype edition. But they've changed up alot of crap. I won't be using Chun, probably gonna switch to CViper. hopefully a lot people get the PC version or they make the online play cross platform.
  3. that would be sweet, i actually saw an engineer this past Sat. at Colossalcon
  4. ... i don't want to dress up like a girl... and i'm not a GG fan
  5. i was thinking about it, but ichigo should be taller, so it wouldn't look right if i cosplay him. if i'm gonna spend time and money on this, i want it to turn out great
  6. i'm short, about 5'5 and 18, but still have a young face. so who should i cosplay for Ohayocon ?
  7. i think it's more like, i randomly get a license with WTF on on it, and i don't want to offend anyone that knows what wtf mean. but the fact that it's free is just stupid.
  8. actually regular chocolate pocky aren't that great, the ones with almond and the green tea one are better
  9. you mean like a cosplay chick? or a freakish huge eye'd small mouthed spiky haired alien looking thing? doing a cosplay chicks would be awesome
  10. umm sometimes i watch j-drama love stories...
  11. love doesn't always have to relate to sex and wanting to f*ck. to me love is like a higher level of relationship. u can love ur friends, family and other things. As long as the bond is strong enough, then ur in love. For all the people that say it's just chemical in ur head. well everything in this world are just atoms then so i guess life isn't so worthy now is it? emotion is what makes human so different from other animals, the complexity of the way human feels is what makes love so special
  12. umm people get bored? cuz hentai is super unrealistic and extreme SM that can't be done with real live porn actors ? what's more sick are those people messing with sex dolls and think they're real
  13. Code Geass and Kiba plus what's mentioned above
  14. Woah! You've never heard of Slayers, Slayers Next or Slayers Try? I've seen a few episode of it when i was younger but that was it. I didn't even know about the english name till i looked up the anime on that list
  15. Blade of the Immortal looks good but everything else doesn't look that interesting from some of those screen shots
  16. i know this is off topic but i wish they make a gta based on some Asian dude
  17. or a shrine, they might have them
  18. thinking up new and interesting threads while not just changing the title of the thread from an old one can be very hard.
  19. it has to do with color, i guess. since vader is all black, he goes with the PS3, and yoda is green which is part of xbox's color theme. some of you are forgetting the fact that not everyone is as rich as you or some people have better places to spend their money, so y would they buy multiple consoles just to play a few exclusive games. Also people need to stop the fanboyism and stop commenting in threads about a console that they don't like, then everyone would be happy. I hate how some people just keep adding fuel to the flame just to increase their post count >.<
  20. so y was the video uploaded again?
  21. Because data is read off the DVD-ROM in the 360 faster than from the BD-ROM in the PS3. Blu-ray isn't an advantage for games- it is just an enormous amount of data to seek through to load the content needed at any given time. This is why all those multiplatform games without installs take much longer to load at each loading screen on the PS3, and why games like Motorstorm contain multiple copies of the same data on the disc to help the laser locate the right spot. so how come games on the ps3 don't go back to using dvd ? or is the ps3 drive slow at reading dvds too?
  22. The last thing I don't get is how you think so highly of yourself for preferring KoF to SF. It's one thing to prefer a game over another, but another thing entirely took look down on people who fail to see the obvious 'superiority' of your game. KoF is not devoid of merit- I like the series. But not a single one in its long sordid history is as polished, balanced or overall as well 'designed' as 3S, and that wasn't even part of the 'Street Fighter craze'. From the way you talked in that last post, I think you think of SNK games as the cool underground alternative to the uncool mainstream Street Fighter series. If so, that's pretty sad. can't agree more, btw Axl we know u love Kof so get out of here plz? cuz i want to know more about Street Fighter IV and not KoF
  23. forget it, i just flashed it to 3.70 m33 and then update to 3.90m33
  24. supermarket for hot milf? hot single mom rules
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