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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. Can anyone summarize the first 2 post please, I hate reading a wall of texts that are white >.<
  2. I think Lelouch is cooler than Light for death note but it's really hard to decide who is smarter tho
  3. If u guys saw the first season, the second season is here and 2 episode is out already. For those that haven't seen Code Geass, look it up on wikipedia and watch it on animecrazy.net
  4. here's what the chinese should do, kill everyone in Tibet, destory their culture steal their land and called tibet their own. If it worked for America it should work for them too right?
  5. that's checked and also, i used the powertoy tweakUI for xp to increase the number of folder view settings to save but that didn't help either
  6. damn u haven't post on here for a long time then I love those HK comics too. i actually like those game related ones just because of the different style of drawing
  7. I had a feeling shame would come down upon me for revealing such startling numbers. A lot of games I just don't care for after a while. For example, I hardly remember playing Doom without God mode, and I never beat that game as well. I'd play it for a little while, then load up the next game. I never really gave a damn about finishing the game or even trying at that. Games to me are just games. I don't treat them as obstacle courses that must be finished. I feel u, i usually get bored half way through. Plus i play a lot of games that u really can't beat like Fighting games and music games too
  8. You know how in windows xp you can change the views of the icons in a folder. In thumbnails, icon, list ,details and such. For some reason my view settings doesn't save. I've been trying to keep the view for "My Documents " to be icons but it keep changing back to tiles >.< Thanks for reading and hopefully helping too
  9. tried to use torrentSpy when Suprnova went down but it sucked and now i use mininova and i like it. never used a private tracker though
  10. echochrome for psp, this game is awesome for those that doesn't know about it http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=QfICeBtVv8U
  11. i wish there i can play PS2 games on the psp but i doubt it tho, unless they make ports or put out less intense games. and i would love the gps device to come out in the US. also if PSP to PS3 connectivity increases
  12. Ryu, Ken
  13. so did the twins die? i'm not sure if i missed it. people working in hospital are generally not to be trusted
  14. i really wish there was a PSP version
  15. After asking around tonite I was told the stripper herself brought it back after she realized it wasn't her cell..... HOW THE F@#$ DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT YOUR CELL LOOKS LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! What stripper? read about it here http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=26423 lol she probably couldn't sell ur phone for some reason so she returned it
  16. Hmmm, not my type not mine either, i wouldn't use the word cute to describe her. she's decent though
  17. death note OST and awesome Naruto OST r okay, one or 2 bad track in every one of them True Tears OST is good also, but mostly because i like the anime
  18. damn it, another game that's preventing me from getting a wii, sometimes i wish i didn't like fighting games that much
  19. awesome game, too hard because of my lack of gaming skills, and better graphics because i like eye candies
  20. what's gonna break him is not tricking him into thinkg he got an xbox(even if he does get one after the prank), that video on youtube is what's gonna haunt him the most
  21. awesome comic, too bad not everyone will find it funny tho
  22. i like six buttons for mixing up combos and speed
  23. hopefully AMD can stir some competition once again like back in the old days.
  24. right now i'm just gonna wait to see if college gets any better. i think once i can drive, i'll be able to go out with people more and make more friends. thx for caring btw
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