i just think it's a waste of money to smoke, drink, do drugs, i'm ok with drinking and smoking but i can't do it and for drugs, well that' should only be used by people with some kind of sickness
for those that do take drugs or did , does getting high really feels that good cuz i think it's stupid but more and more people and doing it, same for smoking
doesn't reincarnation makes more sense, since people are dying everyday but babies are born everyday, and heaven and hell thing is kinda true but since u can't really c it then i don't believe it as much
i think it's kinda esy to get killed right now but maybe it'll turn out better once i lvl up BTW gyphonklaw, do u still have a phoenix down?? i'll use mine on u and u can use ur's on me
there's a heaven for the gods and angels and there's a hell for people that've done evil deeds and for people waiting to be bought back to life, also u have to drink this soup thingy that erase ur memories. most people just come back to our life but as different things but if u've have dones really bad deeds or killed themselives than u will stay in the 18th floors of hell and and 18th is the worse, and if u killed urself then u'll keep killing urself. mostly monks and other holy people will have a chance to go to heaven and become a follower of a goddness but i'm not so sure about how that works tho