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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. the book was boring but this makes the book look better
  2. i just think it's a waste of money to smoke, drink, do drugs, i'm ok with drinking and smoking but i can't do it and for drugs, well that' should only be used by people with some kind of sickness
  3. a transformer watch would be sweeter to have as a bodyguard
  4. for those that do take drugs or did , does getting high really feels that good cuz i think it's stupid but more and more people and doing it, same for smoking
  5. spongebob the movie is great , i just saw it yesterday, it's so funny at the end
  6. damn it who post this damn topic, it's making think but the stuff i said isn't making sense so i think i'm gonna stop posting in this topic
  7. is there a narutard of 1emulation award??
  8. whose idea was this cuz it's great just hope what gyphonklaw aid would happen
  9. doesn't reincarnation makes more sense, since people are dying everyday but babies are born everyday, and heaven and hell thing is kinda true but since u can't really c it then i don't believe it as much
  10. y didn't u put this in that other topic about transformers
  11. even tho that now i know it's not real this kinda stuff would happen sooner or later so that's way i kinda believed it
  12. i think it's kinda esy to get killed right now but maybe it'll turn out better once i lvl up BTW gyphonklaw, do u still have a phoenix down?? i'll use mine on u and u can use ur's on me
  13. buddhism and some other ancient chinese legends
  14. they should invent something to fight aleins that would not destory our resouces
  15. there's a heaven for the gods and angels and there's a hell for people that've done evil deeds and for people waiting to be bought back to life, also u have to drink this soup thingy that erase ur memories. most people just come back to our life but as different things but if u've have dones really bad deeds or killed themselives than u will stay in the 18th floors of hell and and 18th is the worse, and if u killed urself then u'll keep killing urself. mostly monks and other holy people will have a chance to go to heaven and become a follower of a goddness but i'm not so sure about how that works tho
  16. maybe they can use this in wars?? like control their robots
  17. i think it has 2 on each side but i'm not sure
  18. o my bad i'll post the song's name next time
  19. diso, i didn't know u watched naruto, u should have a naruto sig then
  20. my song?? well it sucked cuz the whole song is just spam... keep spamming... and over and over and it doesn't stop lol
  21. damn it diso, stop spamming to get more money than me
  22. ryuken - spam a lot
  23. not where i live but i'm sure u'll find it at canada
  24. eminem- encore album
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