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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. now i have to buy ink for my printer to print all these cards
  2. i used to download their shows but i stopped not cuzz it's a bad thing to do but cuz the shows are mostly boring and the hosts make stupid jokes
  3. i like this new irc thing but what took so long to make this
  4. yeah i dunno y he didn't make a cover for it but maybe the disc spping also work as a fan
  5. becuz we want to show our love for kawaks
  6. i'm thinking about gettin ut 2k4 but will there be a ut 2k5 coming out ?? if there is then i'm gettin that
  7. ok, i'll go to it again ( i'm just trying to get money
  8. how to kill a mocking bird??? i'm not even gonna wait for it to load
  9. i dunno but try attacking people
  10. i play dance with intensity with ddr simulation and i got a lot of key strokes from it,
  11. ok, that's more like it. but anyway what kind of coding would i use?? html cuz when i search html tutorials all i get is the basic stuff that i know or does this have to do with ccs??
  12. i'm 14 and u don't c me acting stupid but watch naruto
  13. i know what's photoshop is, i know a lil bit of html and i thought u design the layout first and then do the coding but i guess i was wrong
  14. i search the net on how to make a layout in photoshop but then i dunno how to aply it to my old site
  15. i was thinking about updating my website and i want to add a page layout but i dunno how to make one and aplly it to my website. btw i have dreamweaver, photoshop cuz my friend told me to use those to make a layout
  16. not that i know of anyway i like ur sig
  17. nope, is it a movie with real people and stuff or complete animation here's another one http://www.mazdausa.com/MusaWeb/NA_Autosho...nsform_big.html
  18. i like the 1 u posted cuz it's more real since there's cars driving in the background
  19. http://video.luxology.com/article/113004_1/Citroen_C4.mov have u guys seen this yet??
  20. is there a game channel for those that have 500+ channels
  21. ok, so maybe i shouldn't have used hip, i'll use popular next time, but when i go to animesuki naruto and bleach have lots of seeds and DLs
  22. and ur a hardcore mtale rocking goth
  23. it doesn't matter i only posted thie topic to c if how u guys would react, and i'm not getting the the respondes i want. i was hoping some1 would be like " anime sux...." all that crap and start a flame war
  24. i would say naruto, bleach for bit torrent and since i don't have cable then i don't know what's hip on adult swim or other anime networks
  25. that's y all those games r guys games, and no "just for fun" games
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