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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. there will be a "happy" microsoft sign on it
  2. y's it called x-mas anyway??
  3. you should'vd said "this doesn't turn me on"
  4. http://www.spiketv.com/events/vga2004/ go to it click the flash and click vote now
  5. damn it i was getting excited too lol
  6. did u guys vote for the Spike video game award yet?? i just did, i didn't like the choices tho, GTA: SA is almost in everything and not much japense games
  7. good or bad or lie or the T is really behind all of this??
  8. he guy who type this must be a member of pulse
  9. i don't think u can
  10. so r u guys planning to plat the first UT ??? i have the game of the year edition,
  11. great idea but bad design
  12. thx, and i just founf out the random key pressing and clicking at anytime works, so i was typing crazy for 15 mins but my fingers got tired
  13. i am now part of the team YAY !!! anyway anyway any kind of ket strokes and mouse click counts right?? like i can just keep pressing random button and get the counts right and same goes for off line right??? how come the counts in my sig doesn't update ??? or does it take a while
  14. i'm just hating so every that read faster than me is a nerd lol
  15. u guys are all nerds that have read all of the Lord Of the Ring book, all Starwar, harry potter, star treack. me and ghost are normal smart people
  16. y don't u all meet in one of your family's house every year
  17. 297 wpm 82 comprehension english is my second language so i don't care
  18. yay, i have an Asus board that makes me safe
  19. looks real but Fu[K YOU !!! I like Naruto no matter what!! lol
  20. i know ur having a hardtime but can u like not put that in ur post whenever u have a chance to? and maybe if u don't think about it as much, u'll feel better
  21. i hate when people talk about how much they hate christmas
  22. say if u messed the bios up, can u clear the bios with a jumper and fix it???
  23. how much is the DVD again??
  24. 30 miles??? where in the world do u live??? a place that has internet but no DVD store near???
  25. my family do it cuz the present and family gathering and none of us is Christian
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