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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. 3rd strike wins Tekken 5 second SC3/KOF98 third the others i don't care about Also i don't really Marvel Vs Capcom 1 or 2 just because i don't like the whole jump really high and air combos and doesn't end. I mean they're cool but when I'm gettin my ass handed to me then it's not that cool anymore, lol.
  2. It's gettin kinda gross, we should stop cumming
  3. I have CS1.6 and i'm think about get CS:S but i'm not sure if i should get it in store, through steam, or not at all. like u guys said source isn't that much better but how's the graphic and it's only $20. Also i've been thinking about gettin The orange box but not sure if i should
  4. i agree with what Cinder said.i just want to add that for cpu, the Intel-E4500 Core 2 Duo should be good enough and if not u can overclock if u want to save money. and for motherboard i just go with what most people bought on newegg so i guess u can go there just to see which board is popular. For the modem, i'm assuming by single port u mean only one computer and be plugged in. U can get a router if u have multiple computers and want all of them to be able to go online at the same time
  5. Try to Cum over here if u can reach me, if u can CUM that far then that would be great
  6. unfortunately i'm not one of that. I like how Fatal always the one to start this kind of topic but the title is always different.
  7. that's only if u find it though
  8. lol like i said i'm not that emo. and if i were to kill myself, i would jump off a really tall building or something really high and doing a bunch of flips before i land head first onto the ground
  9. Let's hope that college life will be better, o did i mention that i'm only 5'5 so everyone is like taller than me and me face break out easily i guess i should spend more of my time studying and live a better life in the 30's-40s
  10. Physical Media will be around for a while because the current internet speed is just not fast enough. Digital distribution is the future but it's still really far away
  11. I' m 17. not the only Asian kid around but the only not born in the US so i guess cultural differences have an effect on me. People asked me to go to parties before but i don't like going so they stop asking. Anyway do u guys think friendship is important in life? And is it really needed to function properly? btw thx for the advises so far
  12. So i've been thinking. I don't have any good friends or what most people would call a" life" I would go home after school everyday and just download TV shows from Hong Kong, Japan(with sub) and American ones and after i'm done with them i do my homework then play games that's basically all I do everyday. I school i talk to people in class and lunch but after school i have nothing to do. I think i lack social skills since i never have topics that i can talk about with people, I'm just an overall not interesting person. And almost everyone one i know from school just wants to party on the weekend and get drunk/high/"have fun" and I'm not into any of those things. Sometimes i think i make up too many excuses on not having friends when i don't try to make any. so any suggestions on how to improve my social life? btw plz don't bash this since my self-esteem is already pretty low but don't worry, it's not low enough that i would kill myself so u can still poke fun if u want
  13. they can but most video cards don't let u connect the video card to the sound card or on-board audio. so yea, most people can't carry sound over dvi , just video
  14. I'm sure websites all over the place will start jacking the price up very soon
  15. i don't get y some of you r hating on blu-ray and keep saying u'll stick to DVD. besides the price i don't see any disadvantage of blu-ray. i eman eventually the price of blu-ray and hdtv and anything having to do with blu-ray and HD will go down so just wait. As for digital distribution, yea it's great but not everyone have internet and even if they do, not everyone have fast internet so physical media will stay.
  16. SvC i was such a noob back then and it took me forever to get the rom to work
  17. Wow you sure ruined his day, i would not be able to do such thing You're so cool, how do you do it
  18. by cpu, do u mean the computer? and hdml cable doesn't plug into the harddrive if u want to plug ur computer to a HD TV u can use that hdmi cable with a dvi-hdmi adapter but then i don't know how u would get sound from it
  19. which gigabyte board r u talking about? i just build my PC and i have a GA-P35-DS3L with a e8400. i might overclock later but not soon. so is this reliable if i'm not overclocking. i got the 8800GT and it's pretty sweet, well my last card was a Radeon 9600 so that's a huge jump for me
  20. I know what ur talking about. i got to a about mice and i didn't read it carefully and when i finally got the answer i felt so dumb this is a great game. I'm playing Bioshock right now, just started today and it's kinda cool. From what u guys said, it feels like it would be boring soon. btw i just got a new PC
  21. same here i thought it was already out for PC
  22. have u guys seen any HK style comics i like those a lot but the stories r kinda lacking. American comics each have there own style which is great but for some reason it's hard for me to get into. Japanese manga have mostly simple design and easy to understand stories ( at least the ones i read) so i like them too.
  23. This is why we love gamecop, thx for the screenshots
  24. that looked more like power rangers
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