all i need is famous ideas and writing from John locke, Thomas Hobbes, Baron De Montesquieu, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and Voltaire. it'll be nice if i get help from u guys , it'll also be nice if u give me a link to where u got ur info, THX
i have a radeon 9600 256mb and it only has a heatsink and my uncle has a crappyer video card and his had a fan so i'm thinking of getting a fan for my video card. and is it hard to install 1 since u have to take the stock heatsink off and put in the new 1
my uncle took a look at my stuff and he said the motherboard and the cpu is f0ck up so i have to return them, anyway i don't think i'll be here soon cuz this was my first time building a computer and i had to use all my birthday money to pay for all these sh!t which sux, should i return the motherboard and get another 1? i'm sure that i'll just get the same cpu from the same site but all of my uncles and cousin said my board sux and said i was stupiding gettin it so i'm thinking of paying the restocking fee and get another borad cuz one of my uncles said he'll pay for it for me but i'm not so sure about that
the power comes on, i can c the fans spinning and i can hear the hard drive and cd-rom searching for a cd. but it won show anything on the monitor. i've try using a different monitor too but it still won't work. also i tried removing the ram and c what'll happen, then there was this beeping noise that indicates there's no ram. so does that mean the motherboard is working fine?
got all my crap today and tryed to build it. everything worked out ok but after i've install a few updates and programs then it's flocked up, my computer wont flocking work anymore. i've tried clearing the cmos but it still won't work. it won't show anything on the monitor. ii even tried to put in a different card and it still won't work. So right now i'm in need of help, plz don't fail me guys, i know u can do it and help me fix my crap how come we can't say sh!t ??