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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. i don't think i'll need this soon cuz my computer is flocked up and i dunno what happen, go to the pc section and read my topic to c what i'm talking about
  2. i got all my crap today and tryed to build it. everything worked out ok but after i've install a few updates and programs then it's flocked up, my computer wont flocking work anymore. i've tried clearing the cmos but it still won't work. it won't show anything on the monitor. ii even tried to pur in a different card and it still won't work. So right now i'm in need of help, plz don't fail me guys, i know u can do it and help me fix my crap
  3. click tools -> options -> privacy -> the + on saved form information -> uncheck the box click tools -> options -> privacy -> the + on history and type in 0days
  4. thx for ur list guys
  5. Since i'm building my new computer soon, i'll need a must have program list. programs for music,bit torrent, spyware/adware protection, antivirus, and all those good programs that u guys use.THX
  6. if metrioid was 3rd person it'll be a lot better cuz 1st person it's just too hard to play
  7. i'll try that later cuz it seems like there's a lot of stuff to read and i'm using firefox now
  8. adwarwe??? or a virus? i have this problem for IE too but it goes to increditiblefind.com and it have this uninstaller but when i open it it says i don't have it install but it still goes that the page whenever a page is not found
  9. i just order my stuff, i got a AthlonXp 2800+, radeon 9600 256mb, pc3200 512mb,ECS "KT600-A" KT600 Chipset Motherboard for AMD Socket A CPU -RETAIL. i'll just wait till christmas to get a harddrive and i already have a case and cd-rom Thx for u helps every1 and special thax to the GryphonKlaw
  10. did any of 1 suffer the problems i'having when u were trying to build a computer?? cuz i'm going CRAZY right now!! maybe i should stop surfing on newegg everyday cuz it's making me want to buy stuff
  11. thx for the link i'm sure it's trustable cuz it came from u but i don't like online rebate and 250gb for 130??? that's just crazy
  12. thx, ur the man, another question, since i'm waiting to c what will happend should i get a samsung 120gb sata harddrivelink do i need SATA cuz this other samsung cost $88 and it has 160gb but it's ata133 any big difference?iif not then i'm gettin the 160gb HDD cuz i wanna buy something before i waste my money on stupid crap and it's only $85
  13. damn it, my mom won't loan me some money!! so now i'll have to wait a lil bit or reason with her, so i was thinking sould i wait. i heard that the price of AthlonXp will rise sonn becuz of Athlon64 and Sempron so does that mean their price will drop and AthlonXp's price will rise??? and i read that DDR ram's price will not drop soon becuz no1's buying DDR2 ram. so do u guys suggest me to wait or ask my mom to loan me money, by the way i'm 14 and i can't get a job. i'm using my Birthday money
  14. i asked my uncle this very same question and he told me that most people don't like microsoft and it's a big company so people keep trying to hack their program to prove their "skills" as a hacker
  15. which 1 r u guys gonna get? if i get a PSP then i'll get the 2nd 1 cuz i don't need the stuff in pakage3 and i want the camera
  16. i think i'm gonna get this 1 instead CHAINTECH "SKT600" KT600 Chipset Motherboard for AMD Socket A CPU -RETAIL cuz it surporrts SATA and it has 3 ram slots
  17. i guess i'll have to stick to my Sp till both of them comes out and read the review of it cuz right now i can't pick which is is better, i wanto get the DS since i have a flash cart for my sp and i don't want to waste it but i also wanna get the PSP cuz it's so Sexy altho the white cover looks a lot better
  18. but the spec of the psp is still better than the ds right???
  19. so u don't think the price will drop any time soon? i, myself don't think it will but i don't have enough money and my uncl got a pc2700 512 mb for just 19.99 after rebate so that's why i'm waiting for the price to go down
  20. SNES for sure. Super mario all-star's best game ever
  21. thanx for all of ur advise man. i guess i'll get 512mb but then i'll have to ask my mom to buy it for me and i'm not sure if she will maybe i can ask her to loan me the money and don't pay her back
  22. i know it's sad but i've never played half-life but i've seen it being played and i like it. but i don't get the source thingy. what does it do???
  23. sweet!! but do i have to get 1gig of ram?? can i get 256mb and upgrade it to a gig when the price go down cuz i can't afford a gig right now
  24. damn it. i guess i'll wait till christmas to get the stuff ur talking aboiut cuz right now i can only buy what i picked ad since u said i'll be lefted behinf very fast then i'll save up, cuz i want a pc that will last a little longer. but iwill it last longer if i'm not really a gamer but just want to play some games
  25. i'm buying parts to build my new computer and i haven't buy any things yet cuz i dunno if they will go with each other or if something could be bottlenekced and not worth buying. All i need is a cpu,case,videocard,and a motherboard and here's the stuff i've picked ASRock "K7VT4A+" VIA KT400A Chipset Motherboard for AMD Socket A CPU ROSEWILL RADEON 9600 Video Card, 256MB DDR, 128-bit, DVI/TV-Out, 8X AGP, Model "RW9600-256D" POWMAX Case with Side Panel Window (Black), Model "CP03294HL-5" AthlonXp2800+ and i'm waiting for the ram prices to go down or if there's a rebate
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