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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. so ru saying that a DS can connect to a wireless router and go online to play cuz that would be new that if it's not then that's old news
  2. i think it gots kinda boring but it can be used to teach littile kids how to use their money
  3. they need to get some good vocie actor or what ever those people are call cuz they be sounding stupid
  4. http://gaming.engadget.com/entry/3126779577945324/ i don't think i'll be getting it cuz it's battery life is not that good
  5. i guess lee would win then
  6. thanx, i never remeber the names and other stuff like that but do u agree with me tho??
  7. it better be like 10 hours or above cuz when i play i don't stop
  8. i never lose remotes either but i don't check them before i go to bed
  9. depends on which stage of sasuke ur talking about. if u were talking about when they first met,then lee would win becuz he's faster and sasuke can't copy his movement and he can barely catch up with him. but if ur talking about sasuke as of right now then lee would lose becuz sasuke have that curse seal thingy on him and his eye thingy is stronger. also lee just recovered. but at the end Naruto will just kill them all when he gets out of control and taken over by the nine tails( i think)
  10. http://gaming.engadget.com/entry/8289632328674831/ seems like they're not gonna have hard drives for the PStwo
  11. i think das true even if they didn't say they might've thought about it
  12. i really want to know about the psp's battery life tho. cuz it uses disc which means moving part so more power will be used. i trust nintedo but i don't like the ds's design and the system is not that great
  13. or for fat people that weights 400 pounds and above
  14. o ya well check this out http://www.geocities.com/felix0925@sbcglobal.net/test.swf
  15. won't fit in pocket!!! goddamn
  16. so how about now? which 1's better?
  17. i don't like andy
  18. maybe a few years since it only comes out every months
  19. it's juat a game with 3d rendering people!!! damn u people are crazy but if ur talking about the comic or w/e then it'll be ok but not the game. just play and dis people
  20. people posting anyway does any 1 of you print the manga that u downloaded and put it in a binder? cuz i'm thinking about doing it but i think there's too much to print
  21. i have a question about this, u know how when u download something with bit torrent, u download the bit torrent and then ur program start to download the file u wanted. well do i need the bit torrent file or do i need the file i'm downloading to let others to download stuff from me? p.s. sry about this cuz i know it sound confusing
  22. if they make a monitor for the PS2 then it'll look like a laptop
  23. i think with the blue ray coming no 1 will use cd and they'll start using dvd
  24. i guess no 1 like Naruto no more. where's ur love
  25. u two are very good!! when will i got on ur level( play song)
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