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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. it's ALIVE the thread is back!!! cuz i posted in it for i'm a NARUTO fan
  2. really cuz my cousin said Cap are for fag( das what he said not me ) and das y he goes to Old Navy
  3. thanx i luv it but it's not really me tho cuz i'm more like cut and paste and i want to use something i editted but i think i'll use the 1 u made when i get tired of mine.. THX
  4. isn't Cap more of a female store than old navy, any way i buy brand name t-shirts that are made wrong or something like that and they cuz about $5-9 and for jeans $10-25. i don't c anything wrong with the 1 i buy than the 1 that cost twice as much. blue, white black, dark blue are my colors. sometime read and gray. i use Axe cuz i'm a nerd
  5. samn for printer and tv
  6. BURNED!!!!!
  7. can any1 tell me if i'm looking at the right place to find the password for lvl3? i think it's in the source file and the passwrod is AbCdE but it's not working EDIT: nvm i founf it in the javascript file now i'm at lvl4 and i need help, how do i find the applet file??
  8. Use Try2Hack as the screen name. That's the correct one if my memory doesn't fail me. how did you find that out? You use teh mad decompiling flash movie skillz thanx for ur hint but how about level3
  9. i don't think das the password to pass the level. i think it's in the swf file but i can't find anything within the swf file.
  10. so the password for lvl2 is in the swf file cuz i can't find it in there!!
  11. u know how the athlon 64 is bigger and heavyer than others becuz it's 64 bit well since this computer is so big it have to have something real good in it. i think that something like that will come out later but it can control ur house or something like that
  12. i'm chinese(hong kong cuz i hate china) but i live in US
  13. what u guy doesn't know is that comouter have a 50ghz p10 in it!!!1
  14. WHAT!!!! i always thought u were a reallly good hacker.
  15. that would work?? i don't get it?
  16. how do u guys learn these thing??
  17. o. ok anyway how's my sig?
  18. 16/18 not bad i think cuz i've only played some of those games
  19. paint?? what about it? i thought Photoshop is the best but really hard to use
  20. kool gif. i have problem cutting stuff from picture becuz of their background. i wonders how Fatal does his work?
  21. i'm jk, i don't even have a good pic of you that i can use. anyway how do i make white background transparent??
  22. what should i do first?? make a better sig or avastar? or should i join Fatal and make funny k'dash pic???
  23. i now need to make 2 masks( if u saw 101 then u know what i'm talking about) 231 is out, now read
  24. Sharrza works fine for me but if i want to switch what should i use? i want something that can be config so i can use firewall and something that can pause and resume. also something that doesn't take up a lot of resources
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