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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. i read that already( i think last week) so i think 231 is gonna come out soon
  2. new Ep. !!! kool! anyway how about the manga?
  3. don't get it!! it will mess stuff up. u can try to install it and it works fine then keep it but if it doesn't then u can always unstall it
  4. i don't like Lee that much (i hate people with hardwork cuz i'm lazy and they make me look bad) cuz he's not that good of a ninja more like a master of Kung Fu so i don't like Gai or what his name is
  5. i agree but i think he edited it
  6. if u can shoot some thing/ energy blast with ur hand that ur not human!!!!
  7. what r u talking about k'dash? y would they have it? Edit": nvm i found by typing DrSms
  8. Where's can i find this for my gba? it's not a rom so it's ok to tell me
  9. thanx guys but i don't think u can buy it in time since my mom told me she's not gonna be home soon and my sis's not home and i don't have a credit card!!
  10. should i get radeon9600 pro with 128mb or Radeon 9600 with 256 mb? Which is better?? would the 128 mb make up for Pro?
  11. thanx, now i'll just have to wait for my mom to come home and buy it for me
  12. Jetway ATI RADEON 9600LE Video Card, 128MB or ROSEWILL RADEON 9600 Video Card, 256MB DDR?? tell me quick it's an One day sale!!
  13. does any 1 know when will a new episode of Naruto will come out? like every 2 weeks or ever week or even random timing. same question about the manga
  14. the first useless link that GameCop posted
  15. did any 1 of u watch it ?
  16. Crash Bandicoot is not stupid or dumb so George Bush it is
  17. Good to know there's people my age . cuz talking to a whole bunch of adults is just scary
  18. the 2nd episode just sucked and stupid, i don't eve know y they made it
  19. i think so but i think u can buy them on ebay too
  20. she better than you k'dash lol
  21. i have to mask myself and it's my first time so it sux so give me a break here Fatal
  22. u watch it too?
  23. Does any1 here know this show? it's not on TV it's hosted online but it's tight. it's about computer hacking and how to protect urself.there's only 3 ep. out so check it out here's the link http://www.thebroken.org/
  24. go to http://www.animesuki.com/ and c if they have what u need
  25. am i da youngest here?
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