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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. Those kinky asians, what will they think of next. how bout my foot in ur ass??!!! jk anyway asians are kool
  2. i'll leave after i find a better job and on dfa last day i would do something bad to the boss
  3. i don't think people come here anymore after the changes that were made
  4. i c, i didn't even think about that
  5. i wouldn't know cuz i don't do that
  6. lol but y 550watts power supply?
  7. ur so lucky
  8. DON'T dis HK COMIC!!!! lol jk. i'm from hk tho so i like them but i do admit they have bad storyline for game based comics
  9. 120 cad!!! how did u got such good deal
  10. i don't care anymore but i was jk at first till he made it sound like i want him to watch da video again and not get my point anyway can some 1 close this topic before something gets started
  11. me too
  12. i think they bought the right to make their own storyline but i'm not sure
  13. damn k'dash this is da first time i've seen u act so gay and dumb. i wasn't whining/ i waqs just saying u don't share a lot of info even tho u know so much. anyway let's both shut up and not be off topic
  14. did i ask u to c it again?? NO! anyway u know so much
  15. y would u want to do that???
  16. lol, anyway i've heard of something like this but never seen it
  17. i just get used to it plus i don't care
  18. i guess it's not kool or weird compare to putting a mother board in liquid
  19. u know about stuff way before every1 here but yet u don't share it with us I've been going to that site for 3 years. Of course I knew it before you did. no i mean u know about everything before we do cuz u search the net all da time but u don't tell us about kool stuff like what i post
  20. Hk comics are kool but sometimes the storyline is kinda messed up
  21. i think most student in a computer class are smarter than the teachers just cuz i thinks so
  22. u know about stuff way before every1 here but yet u don't share it with us
  23. i wonder how many try they had before making it work right
  24. check this out guys http://www.tomshardware.com/images/thg_video_11_5ghz.zip
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