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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. i don't really care about where i get it from as long as it's subed
  2. i hope this is an easy class or that i actually learn something cuz this class sux and so does da computers altho i think da teacher or the managment people fix it cuz it's a lil faster now
  3. it's da eyetoy a good webcam?
  4. just downloaded the music video so now i don't have to cut out my own
  5. i wanna take computer repairing but i have to be in 10th grade to take that class and das another reason i took this class cuz i don't have other better class to take
  6. VF evo sucked ass sega should make it better and call it VF5 cuz 2 version of Vf4 is enough and if u call it da 5th oen that i think more peolpe would buy it thinking that it's a lot better
  7. i learned it on my own but now since i'm going back to school and i can take that class and get an easy A also i wanna make a better website cuz mine is crappy
  8. right now i'm in my web design class and it sux, we have to do vocab that have nothing to do with web design and the computers are slow!!!! i hate this class
  9. just done watching 99 and it wasn't that much of an important episode
  10. let me spam a lil before closing this
  11. so when do u guys thinks the naruto movie will be out for download
  12. how about a cracked or not paid for key for a firewall? can i just block the firewall from going online?
  13. suxxxxxxxxxx!!! i want to c da entire fight
  14. so i shouldn't waste time to download them cuz when i update it it won't work?
  15. if i download a crzacked anti virus or use a key dat i didn't pay for will it still work and will the company find out also how can i update it
  16. hey Tsukiyp can u change ur icon and sig cuz i hate freddy and he's scary
  17. Pc can emulate Arcade, handheld and console and das what i need
  18. Cleveland Ohio. u?
  19. does the board really matters? will it slow things down if it's not a good board?
  20. http://www.microcenter.com/specials/promo_offers.html it's an amd athlon64 and a mother board for just $219.99 but i don't if das a great deal or not plus i don't have that much money yet but my mom can help me out on that so should i get this?
  21. but they're also friends
  22. that's some funny crap and like da mario part that was great and how Devil may cry is on display
  23. i like how it gets funny sometime and also the fighting is good
  24. i like da art
  25. so most pc is faster than ps2 but not fast enough to emulate it?
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