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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. i like terry but he's just a cheap lil'bastard that are made for peolple that doesn't know how to play and Ryu is da basic easy to use but hard to be skillsful with char.
  2. dragon's great but they stop making it and Naruto is what's hip right now
  3. of course becasue Naruto rules
  4. shoot them out like a fireball and do a spinning upper"cut"
  5. no it's about the snow ninja and the leaf but das all i know
  6. i don't get this topic but Ryu can beat any1 any day when i'm using him... i wish lol.
  7. did u downlaod the movie then cuz i haven't seen it yet and i must download it
  8. u guys are not nerds!!! lol
  9. That emote is scary. y's that
  10. what da hell is wrong with u guys?? use computer to add in effects use flame throwers. i think u'll know how to make 1
  11. is ur sig from the Naruto movie and did da movie come out yet
  12. 1=Akuma 2=Ryu 3=k' 4=terry 5=iroi
  13. now, i just don't know what to say But that's using a console above and beyond what it's intended for. Besides, you can't do anything on the XBOX you can't do on PC (except of course play XBOX games). Thx so much so i'll have to say PC will rule in every other way for a super long time until we have robot slaves. and we can fight with them
  14. now, i just don't know what to say
  15. i would like to think that but this is too good to be true and can any1 lock this so people like ilike2l33ch won't get scam
  16. PC is a lot better cuz if it's not then all of us won't be sitting next to our Computer and instead play with our console
  17. who ever that is she looks kinda hot
  18. i just watched it i'd say it's pretty good for a point-less video and i think ur da 1 that trys to be black
  19. nah, you don't know this dude. He'll throw the biggest hissy fit in the world if that happens. I think he takes ritalin, and also he's one of those bisexuals that tend to get mad like a chick then kick him out before he rapes you
  20. is he ur best friend cuz if he's not then kick him out with a good reason
  21. that is so true.
  22. how come ur not watching it???
  23. i think PC is better cuz us nerds cuz we know how to use it but for dumb ass that doesn't know anything they can play with their console.
  24. went to canada and started downloading a lot of Naruto and made a headband and lacrosse camp. i'd say my summer's ok but i'm still not done with my summer reading
  25. damn i don't have cable!! can some1 record it and upload it or something like that so i can download it
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