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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. y r u put in charge again? and r u for real??
  2. I'm confused
  3. i was trying to buy a mod chip from there but they cost more than what i c online so i didn't get 1 and they have all these kool anime stores that i don't have in Cleveland
  4. save it up till a new system comes out
  5. i just got back from toronto and it was fun over there the chinese mall was tight it reminded me of Hong Kong( where i'm from) any way.. did i miss anything ??
  6. but is it easy to fix it though??
  7. but y is it evil shouldn't it be good that some1 is reading these topic
  8. i thought P4 is better but anyway get AMD Athlon XP 3200+ cuz they cost less than P4
  9. i've benn waiting for this movie to come out for a long time so i expected better stuff so maybe das y i didn't like it but the whole movie is kinda boring and how da first 2 pradator got killed by the aliens so easily just didn't make anything and also how the women is lefted alone in the middle of no where but maybe the people on the ship can take her back but still the movie had too much talking
  10. This evil bump u 2 speak of does it mean some 1 bring back an old Topic but say something useless??
  11. so i wouldn't want to buy it until 64bit programs come out? and it doesn't make thing faster just cuz it's 64-bits?
  12. the mario game is da best!!! and thanx
  13. u should get a laptop and a wireless modem card from AT&T
  14. aren't we just trying to get more posts right now by talking about how KyokugenKiss is trying to get more post??
  15. the plot of the movie sucked buy i guess the other stuff are ok but it's rated PG13 so not much killing and action.
  16. I don't know. Do you? maybe it's for gettin more post??
  17. what's with the evil bump?? stop talking about it u just wanna increase ur post by saying evil bump
  18. i think the controler port is made just so more home user will play at da arcade instead of waiting for the game to come out
  19. u know ur a nerd when u try not to make the limecat angry
  20. i wanna c goku's hairstyle
  21. that's da same thing i was think about when i read the review for it but the movie sucked, i wish i saw yu-gi-oh instead
  22. what's da point to bring this back up?
  23. i just came home from this movie and it suxxxx so bad. too much talking and not enough action and the ending is stupid. i'll talk more about it once more people have seen this movie and know how bad it sux. i think u guys shouldn't go c that crap. I've been waiting for this movie to come out for a long time so i expected better stuff.
  24. i don't think ur a nerd cuz ur just a regular member
  25. if something can be made then it can be crack but time is da key
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