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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. maybe they'll make longer Rpg games or maybe more ways to beat a game
  2. ur a nerd when u don't play any sports and watch robot p0rn
  3. it is, it is. y is that ???
  4. it seems like the new RE movie is gonna have something to do with the game itself
  5. maybe sony will make a new psp that looks like the gba sp so the screen wouldn't break
  6. my life id da best adventure game and da greast moment is when i was bored
  7. yay!! this maddness is going to end
  8. u know ur a nerd when ur computer is ur best friend
  9. yahoo pool is da best online pool!!
  10. i'm going to high school too so i don't think i'll be here that much but until then i'll be here 24/7(i'll try, stupid summer reading) anyway i'm taking web design next year but i already know some of the stuff. so i might have time to come here. o and my mom said if i get good grades then she'll pay for the stuff i need to build me a new computer
  11. i didn't know they sell these things
  12. it's not a upgrade but the package is weird, it didn't come with anything it's just a plastic cover with the code on the back of it and it says not for retail on the CD
  13. i didn't want any1 to c too much of me plus das how 1 of the char. wear his. (kakashi)
  14. i was bored to day so i made a headband and a face mask. the metal plate came from a aol cd-case
  15. did u get ur free ipod yet? and when u do u should make a post about it
  16. my cousin bought Xp pro for 20$ due to his college discount and he gave it to me
  17. Full 1 hour?? how did u find out?
  18. thanx so much magnis, Naruto rules !!!!
  19. maybe a hdd loader will come out for ps3 since it's so hard to copy blue-ray disc
  20. R u trying to start something BTW i don't think i'll fix my sig yet cuz my mouse or my PS2 port is messed up
  21. it's da first level form Ghouls'n Ghost
  22. maybe i'll make a better 1 when i got photoshop
  23. This is da first time that i edit pictures, so plz rate my sig
  24. fat juicy chicken (not appropriate)
  25. i thought Fatal was gay, lol
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