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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. when i'm in da bathroom i use " shittiing but u want me to fix u sumthin to eat later?"
  2. that shots fire
  3. to rent p0rn
  4. Spamming on 1emulation
  5. i just eat them like candy
  6. maybe they'll ban doom3 in some other countries
  7. who cares i got other hook ups lol, anyway i hope they don't do that yet until i download a copy.
  8. Happy Bday!!! or happy death jk or am I
  9. if they make a collection of Doom action figure, that'll be sweet. i think i would get brown monster that shoots fireballs at u
  10. ok, so i can't play it, god damn it
  11. i've never played CS so i would like to know the requirement for CS cuz my computer is kinda slow for gaming. and
  12. i remeber those big box y did they even make them? they're huge
  13. damn, if ash really wants to come back then he'll make a new user name.
  14. i play 52 cards pick up with my lil cousin. lol always make him pick them up just like my older cousin used to make me pick up up
  15. ask her to pick it up. she's da 1 that wants the cd but if she payed u then mail it to her with a aol cd case
  16. does she lives really far or something?? if not y don't u just drop it off
  17. 10pm Saturday?? if it is i think i can make it too cuz now i can get in irc.
  18. Disoblige, u can take me off da list cuz i can't get into irc and i can't find ur kaillera sever and ur never on aim when i'm on EDIT: nevermind i can getinto irc now
  19. how come it keep saying user name invalid i give up about this own thing, i can't get into the irc channel and i can't find the 1emulation sever
  20. if u cant see ur new hard drive in ur bios and there's something wrong with the setup but if u can then it's something in window
  21. ok thanx( i'm downloading it right now..... and it's done) how do i get into the channel
  22. which irc is better and free??
  23. check to c if u have set the jumpers right
  24. too lazy to think about it i'll just wait till they both comes out and see which 1 have better and cheaper games
  25. got mine last summer and started downloading roms like crazy
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