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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. there's too many versions of SF even the chinese have da right to make their own sf comic and the story line in thse are all weird but the art is tight
  2. they shouldn't use mini disc then( i know they use mini disc so it'll be harder to copy them)
  3. come to think about it u guys know how gamecude uses mini disc, how come they're still big. they should make the cube smaller
  4. lol fun stuff!! but how about X-box 2 and ps3 are they gonna be big or small or ok size
  5. why's that????
  6. it's a portable that's y size matter
  7. the ds looks big and fat it doesn't seems like it could fit in my pocket so i don't think i'll get it
  8. i just download some plug-ins for Ifran view( pic viewer) so now i can play ogg files
  9. still tho there're a lot of good fighters out there but anyways i just suck i guess i'll practice more
  10. i can't play the file with real1 player, what ahould i use??
  11. kool but i don't have the rom can some 1 send me a link? thanx
  12. if i'm not that good can i still join???
  13. thanx guys i'll try all of them
  14. i need help converting mp3 and midis to wav so i can play it on my gba
  15. my uncle started teaching me about computers when i was 13 and i started using my computer 24/7
  16. i can't get pogoshell to work i can put it on the cart but i don't know how to use my own back ground and add roms and music so i need some help
  17. i can't get pass da new room
  18. pretty good so far but i need to know the ending so plz make 1
  19. i think it's becuz we always stay up late but i'll ask my mom about it
  20. or kick their balls (that would hurt)
  21. Have your family been diagnosed to have early stages of narcolepsy? What ????
  22. people used to use net meeting to do that but i don't think u can do that anymore
  23. even a jelly fat(so fat that she looks like jello) chick????
  24. my sister sent me this but i don't know where she got it from but the info.s are useful
  25. plz send this to every1 u know
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