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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. Brave Story for the PSP. i haven't played a rpg for a long time and usually when i do i quit after a while of playing of it gets boring sometime but so far this game is okay and i like the story
  2. either way, it's still CReeEeEeeepy
  3. honestly i don't think the game looks that good but it's always sad to find out that a game is getting axed so hopefully that doesn't happen to u
  4. get both? ;p i got both since this is is the ds forum, i say get a DS
  5. to think that u had to spend time to color over the males and touching them all over the place with ur cursor is kinda gay ( me being homophobic lol )
  6. lol emo moments. straighten ur hair after blow drying it is major damage to ur hair, u should try to avoid that next time.
  7. i think it's 2 different chick too because the nose just doesn't match, and their eyes doesn't match perfectly either. but u can always just ask her, what's the worst that can happen. hehe
  8. i think that either ur phone doesn't support bluetooth file transfer or ur phone carrier(the company that u pay ur phone bill to and got ur phone from) disable it on their version of the cell phone
  9. lol more plz
  10. i like it, but it's like Gryph said, i'm into these kind of unrealistic adventure movies
  11. that's what I want to know. i'm too lazy to find what each of those anime are about
  12. thx for the download links guys, i couldn't get the stream version working either. i can't wait till this finish downloading. how long is it btw?
  13. out of all the threads, u had to ruin this one >.<
  14. i just read the plot of the book on wiki, and it seems like the movie sucked compared to the book.
  15. it shouldn't take long at ur rate
  16. i don't like Evil captain dude so no
  17. this is gettin interesting
  18. maybe u can start selling ur design to threadless.com i've tried to submit some but they were crap soo i'm not showing them
  19. Whats wrong with that Kimie? it doesn't feel like u would play that kind of game. Secret of Mana is an awesome game
  20. lol yup, i'm still a little slow right now
  21. go to the very first post u guys made on 1emu and see how stupid it was compare to that post u guys make now. I was reading some of my old post and topic and i must say... they were really stupid. i feel bad for myself now
  22. better not be a third version cuz the slim haven't been out for that long so a third version would make everyone unhappy(me)
  23. just to make sure, u need a micro sd card
  24. that was gross... at least fat chicks have big tits.
  25. if the characters from 3 and 2 are in this one that would be REALLY AWESOME
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