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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. what if SNK make a RPG with KOF char. ? i bet ppl would love it tho they could make the game stupid in someway
  2. only char. i like from SF r ryu, ken and akuma(raging demon)
  3. You can't. Gwahahahahahaha! Only the mods can delete posts. then how do u become a mod. ? i'm jw
  4. after reading all these messages i'm convinced to agree with u guys that SNK does make better Fighting games than Capcom buy i still like capcom better than othe game companies
  5. i've download KOF2k3 but now i need the dat file or driver or w/e that text file's call. if any of one of u have plz post it in here THNAX
  6. every1 should be like Agozer and use other sections
  7. If he tells me who he thinks the best 2D fighting game making company then it's okay for him to talk but he only says Capcom's not da king but didn't say who is da king tho
  8. dat sounds pretty sweet but for a handheld system it might use up power quickly
  9. You cannot say Capcom is the King of 2D when you cannot name a game to back that statement up.... but u can't name da king of 2D tho. or can u?
  10. too much sections goes to waste. ppl only post in the current affairs section
  11. i searched for the site on yahoo and i click cached and i got to the site
  12. i've heard my friends talking about a hand held sony system that's gonna come out soon but i'm not so sure. does any of u know about it.
  13. das another reason i thought VF4 evo wasn't gonna be good cuz it first came out as Greatest Hit which i thought was to get ppl to buy cuz it sucked
  14. i think all Final Fantasy ahould have their own name instead of a number cuz they don't even link except for FFX and FFX-2 which i was suprise that square soft/enix did that.
  15. I see. but i still don't like it as a 3d game i like it cuz they use weapons.
  16. if u only need 2 SVCHOST and i have 5 then i can delete the others? 3's for system 1's for Local service the other 1's for Network Service
  17. No 1 post in here but me mostly das just stupid. unless ppl starts to post in here when i figure a way for ppl like me to play MUGEN i won't tell it to u guys
  18. ok. anyway have this happen to this site before cuz if it did then i think the site would come back
  19. really, i didn't pay much attention to it cuz i didn't care about since it's not my game but u've just made it sound like a good game but i'll have to spend sumtime to play it to see if it's really good
  20. when it does come back can u send me the link to it cuz i wanna c what it's like. Thanx.
  21. i would say kingdom hearts just cuz it''s real time fighting RPG unlike all the others
  22. maybe we should have more sections and delete Current Affairs.
  23. i haven't been to that site before. but i hate seeing a site goes down. WTF happened to them anyway, y r they selling it.
  24. i think it's kinda dumb to have all these forum sections when ppl don't use them anymore. i just wish ppl would use them so i don't have to post in this section so much
  25. Capcom's only leading with 1 vote
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