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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. i've only played SC for a few time and when i played i beat my friend (who owns the game) so i thought it was easy. but come to think of it maybe he just suck really bad
  2. at first i thought VF4 evo only have new char. das y in the othe forum i said VF sux and tekken's better. but if what u said it's true then VF4 evo is a whole lot better
  3. i don't like GG neither
  4. it doesn't suck but it's easy to do combos
  5. come to think about it. Capcom char. don't get new outfits
  6. yes sega's VF series is slower paced. that's the point, it's not a button mashers game, like most other 3D fighters. It's more like chess. and it can get pretty fast paced. if you don't believe me get some videos of the best pai and lao players, it can go from "round one" to "game over" in a heartbeat. although I holeheartedly agree with you about capcom but we'll never convince those SNK fanboys J/K guys don't flame me with your l33t orochi powers. heheh Who really cares which is better n which isn't, as long as we enjoy what we experience. Capcom makes the better 2D fighters in my opinion, but SNK has Terry... 'Nuff said. ur right but i like terry's desgin in the mask of the wolves
  7. Somebody, i like ur old avstar better
  8. Soul Calibur sux no skills r needed to play that crap but the char. looks kool tho
  9. i think i'll get ps3 or the next sony system cuz i don't like microsoft, they make oo much money. they should give other company a chance too. P.S. Linux rules, too bad i dunno how to make dual-boot. now i have to use winXptho it's pretty kool
  10. it's creepy but it's kool (it seems like she's bout to kill somebody)
  11. a Capcom and SNK fight is like a nintendo and sega fight No1 will win
  12. If we're talking about just the games VF4 evo would be da best 3D game (ForceX told me how good it is, in some other section of the forum) but if we're talking about storyline then tekken would win
  13. actually i've already moved and my family came cuz all the other family members already moved to USA so my mom wanna move here to live with them. i've been living in USA(ohio) for 3-4years
  14. now that i know about what VF4 EVO can do. i wanna buy just to c if it's good. cuz it sounds a lot better than the other 3D fighting games after wat u just told me
  15. i can't name 1 but capcom's still da 2D king and SNK's game don't ever improve. almost all da KoF r da same. the only changes r char. and the layout
  16. i thought Tekken 4 was pretty kool well better than VF4 but i haven't play VF4 evo it's there any changes in VF4 evo
  17. If capcom's not the king of 2D then who is the only good thing SEGA made is sonic but das not a fightin game tho it'll be kool to have a sonic fightin game and i'm not talking about crappy sonic battle i mean real fightin
  18. Tekken4's better than VF4 Evo
  19. we'r all buds if we all agree that capcom's da best 2d fightin game making company
  20. capcom=best 2d namco=3d ( yes not sega cuz ithe games r kinda slow)
  21. Gamecop y would u need 5 firewall, imean if ppl really want to hack into ur computer they will hack it. and if it's the government they would even want to hack into it more to c if ur doing anything illegal. so i think 1 is enough
  22. thanx a lot. maybe now i could help someone but more like gettin help
  23. Does any of u still play with MUGEN anymore cuz the mugen section seems dead to me. plus i think i've found a way for ppl with a xpert99/2000 video card to play mugen.
  24. Iori is kool but will never beat Ryu cuz he's too powerful and KOF have better storyline than SF but SF games r better. P.S. It'll be nice for any of 1 to give me a link to a KOF rom site. cuz i only have KOF2k2
  25. ok i'll download it but if i don't like i'll delete it
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