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Everything posted by Ryuken

  1. i know. not many ppl post in other section as much anymore
  2. me too agree with garageink P.S. i think dead or alive is made by a bunch of perv.s
  3. canada id a kool english speaking place but Hong Kong ( a city in china) is da best (if ur not afraid od sars but i'm sure it's safe now) because a lot of stuff get there really fast so u don't have to wait for a game to come out when it's already out in some other countries, plus a lot of bootleg games could be bought so no need to burn ur own. also some game system already have a mod chip in'em when u buy it and japan it's also kool cuz of all the animes and games P.S. so sad that i have to move to ohio from hong kong
  4. going off topic in here is kinda fun
  5. who cares they're both both company just like capcom and snk and also does the same thing. they get their ideas from each other. i'm not only taking about these companies but also all of the other ones. ppl get their ideas from other ppl now a days. so it's really hard to be original. plus all the good ideas's already used and some r impossilbe to make it work so and again they COPY others or "edit" them
  6. just so u know i'm still in 8th grade and i'm chinese so my english skills sux but anyway what u said is true ( knowing it don't mean u can working)
  7. let's start a new topic talking about this should we?
  8. i think Ryu would win cuz he might turn into evil ryu when fightin Kyo but then again kyo have these special blood giving him the power to control fire
  9. still tho, if ur not careful enough u might just get caught u'll never know when
  10. thought so it's either Capcom or snk for ppl that know about games
  11. Where do most of you post ur messages in or read messages?? cuz it seems like most ppl only care about 'Current Affairs"
  12. das kool but what if they not using the program the way it's said to be used. what if it's a way for them to hack into our computers and read our logs to see if we'r doing anything illegal like downloading music and roms so i'm not sure about doing this
  13. i would say capcom cuz it started it all
  14. thanx Mr.K.but i think ur poem just need to rhyme more then it would work but now it's kinda stupid. altho it's pretty good if u don't know jack crop about poetry
  15. like i've said they all copy from each other ( it's kinda like pepsi and coke cuz they taste the same to me)
  16. the best free stuff i've gotten are roms
  17. y r we talking about ass here?
  18. i don't under stand what u guys r talking about maybe if u guys explain it to me i can join
  19. well i think all these game company get their char. moves from like some old chinese movies or japense movies since i've seen sum of them while my dad was watching'em. anyway my point is that all of these char. will have the same moves cuz they get their ideas from the same source.
  20. thanx gamecop and i'm sorry too that i have to pay for all these stuff without ppl donating anything. If i had a credit card i would help but i'm too young but don't have a job
  21. Do u need a mod chip to play imported games, i just wanna make sure
  22. Hmm... u guys r good so i'm gonna try to make a poem too Ryu and ken hittin each other with Shouryuken fighting their best they can later on Akuma comes in and the whole scene gone dim cuz Akuma just used the raging demon and busted every 1 like a lemon feedbacks plz
  23. ForceX's life is even better than valovedder's u guys r so lucky
  24. i think u should just burn all the stuff on ur computer that u need on cd's or back it up to another hard drive. then install ur OS again
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