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Everything posted by shadowjin

  1. what always puzzled me was the different names of DS3 in the US... i've seen : Darkstalkers 3 DS3 Jedah's Damnation Vampire Savior anyone have any idea about this? -jin
  2. all i can say is lame...lol
  3. check news - kof2k3 running on nrx - it's only a matter of time.... -jin
  4. look under current news...it's workin in NRX
  5. Seeing how I'm one of the few who still cares about this game being emulated on KawaX, anyone heard anything? just general inquiry as usual...bleh.
  6. nice..... and they had to be drunk...or on some sort of mind altering drugs...
  7. danke danke....
  8. I suppose I can answer that... You need the following items : 1. Modded Xbox able to run homebrew programs 2. Know how to transfer programs and files to and from your hard-drive (tutorial for this can be found at http://www.xbox-scene.com) 3. You'll need a copy of the "hacked" version of FBAx b4, the original dump of KOF2k3, the pmame.bin (fixed p1 rom that is 7mb), and a neogeo bios that has at least the MVS and AES bioses. 4. Upload these onto your xbox and edit your menu to incorporate the FBAx b4 program. (the roms go in the roms folder) 5. you're done - play!
  9. from ArtL Also if you use the latest bios (X2 4981), it fixes this problem.
  10. oh...nice...that'll have to go on the faq. -jin
  11. hey glitch, i had trouble with this on the xbox fbax....what exactly were your settings?
  12. Q: My infinite time symbol is messed up - can I fix this? A: This can be fixed. I patched my s1 using the Mame patch created by Poirot and it worked fine. Only problem is now you have to have your default.xbe updated. You can manually do this, or grab N3oGhost's version of FBAx b4. It has the fix already applied. (Thanks to Prican25 for confirming this) Prican25 : Much obliged sir. I would have done it this morning anyway (thought about it last night while messing around with the rom.)
  13. Q: Why does my title screen not look right? A: This is a result of a Bios that is abnormal being used. The Debug and Universe Bios both can cause this effect. Debug only messes up the title screen and does not share the "white bar" effect that the Universe Bios causes. Also, reports have come in saying this only happened for Debug ONLY and not when set on Debug with MVS/AES selectable. I have yet to confirm this. Update : After extensively messing with the bioses, I found that after a few resets, the debug and normal bioses do not yield this problem again. I believe it is merely something about the code that gets jumbled somewhere and the graphics come out wrong. Go figure. The game runs perfectly otherwise and it's a rom - my solution to you -> live with it. lol.
  14. Thanks to N3oGhost, there is a working compile of FBAx that supports ALL the banned roms. Taken from this thread here, Prican25 explained simply how to fix any problems one may encounter with roms not loading update : what Prican25 means as "in reverse" is that the CRC is actually in reverse. One must remember that hex is programmed in sets of two digits meaning one value. In other words, the value of C5 will always be C5. A value for a CRC that you are looking for may be AE5C FE7B - since it is reversed, it would show up as 7BFE 5CAE. Thought I'd clarify this for people.
  15. Q: Why is my rom only playing in AES mode? A: Apparently, FBAx has a bug where when it laods for the 1st time, it loads in AES mode despite the selection of MVS. This stems from a bug in the code of FBAx b4. The bug causes all NeoGeo games to load in AES when first loaded. To remedy this, simply perform the following steps when loading. 1.) Load game (default setting is MVS) 2.) Go to settings and change setting to AES - reset 3.) Allow game to load (ie, let it play for a second) 4.) Go to settings and change setting to MVS - reset 5.) When the game loads, it should be in MVS mode 6.) Proceed to have fun! w00t! -thanks to Prican25 for pointing this fix out
  16. hmmm....sounds like a D0 problem...it probably came partially loose....damn newbies soldering these days...haw...of course, there are many problems caused to electronics by the least likely of substances....dirt, dust, plastic shards....you name it. all the other points are pretty clean and it would take a monkey to mess them up. D0 tho is tricky to non-professional solderers. As for people like me and the electronics elite, we get it every time -jin
  17. yeah, that's standard emulator author practice...heh i'm just sayin don't stop workin on your stuff because there are a few talented people who can hack it. like the whole razoola thing and kof2k3 that turned out to be a "hoax." (i seriously think they were bluffing, but we'll leave that subject alone.) there will always be hackers and rom dumpers....nuff said...heh -jin
  18. I figured it hadn't been started yet, so to avoid confusion, I decided to throw somethin down here. Anyway, quoted from earlier This is NOT a supported release (much like Kawax+ and KawaxSE/Hex) There are various problems that need to be discussed and I'll try and update them on this first post as much as possible. Q: Does this hacked FBAx support all other "banned" games? A: No, it does not - however, there is another version of this "hacked" FBAx floating around that does. Q: Why is their a white block on the right edge of the screen? A: This is caused by Razoola's Universe Bios. Q: Why is my rom only playing in AES mode? A: Apparently, FBAx has a bug where when it laods for the 1st time, it loads in AES mode despite the selection of MVS. See second post for fix. Q: Which roms do I use? Mame or Kawax Dev.? A: This was explained in the readme, but for reconfirming purposes, the Mame release should be used. Q: Was there more than one Mame release? A: To my knowledge, there was only ONE Mame release. However, there was a S1 fix that corrected the infinite time glitch in practice mode on the AES version. There have been rumours that there was a second Mame release. Q: How do I play as the bosses? A: Enable the debug bios (without AES/MVS options) and move above or below the top or bottom row of characters (Thanks Glitch for this info)(Prican25 for clarification) Q: Do the standard Mid-Boss codes still work? A: Yes, they do. (Remember, do them like a special move motion) Q: Does KoF2k3 have transparencies? A: From what I understand, the original dump with Mame MAY have transparencies. This would be strange because the neogeo hardware does not support this. There are Kawaks/Nebula transparency builds for "Alpha Blends" out there. -jin
  19. um.... i do wish to honor the creator's requests, but let's look at the whole picture. Emulators in the first place walk on a fine line of legality. While they are built to "emulate" said games, they don't in fact include those games. It's along the same lines as PS2 modchips. They, Sony, argue they are used to play bootlegs etc etc. Some respectable users like myself, use a modchip mainly to play imports (surprise, i'm not too big on bootlegs...lol) The code in a modchip merely circumvents the copyright protection. Aren't emulators doing the same? Yes, they are. Now we come down to the files. Most games can run by themselves, but some code had to be constructed to circumvent their copy protection and play them on a pc/xbox. The NeoGeo games go even a bit farther into dark territory as you need a bios, or LICENSED snkp code, to run the games in the first place. Emulator Author's responses to that is "Don't ask us where to get it" as if they can completely wash their hands of the whole ordeal. That's like selling someone the parts to a silenced automatic pistol and telling them "I don't know where to get the instructions on putting it together - oh and please don't shoot anyone if you manage to build it." While that's not the best analogy, you can easily see where i'm coming from. If you're going to create an emulator, KNOW that it will be hacked and always reconfirm that the hacked version is NOT a supported release. Don't go pissin fire saying you're not going to keep working on it because if it's really an issue, you should have never made it in the first place. This especially goes for xbox since the emulator authors are using stolen MS code to write their programs. Stop your bellyaching and just do your crap. Damn. again - don't go publically annoucing you've got a hacked fbax that runs kof2k3....ie don't go pissing flames. let's move on...bleh. -jin
  20. i'm currently running it in fbax on the xbox and it runs pretty close to perfect....i've got some gfx errors, which i'll attempt to figure out later today.
  21. um....is it me or is the entire xbox-scene.com community a bunch of hypocrits? i used to post there regularly, and i just got tired of their "i'm holier than thou" attitude and tiptoe around the subject motif. flock it....if you're gonna make an emulator for the xbox, release the source...least give us something to flock around with. xbox emulation is all about exploring...nuff said. if you don't want people to have the source, you shouldn't have stolen code to write your program... and any joe schmoe who says "but i have XDK" is bullshitting me and needs to get thrown in jail. bleh. *whole subject makes shadowjin very angry - goes to play more games and be poor* -jin ps - hacked bioses using MS's code isn't any worse than running KoF2k3 on an xbox emulator. said and done.
  22. after speaking to prican, i realized that i may have not just had blank data...i may have copied c1 to c3 and c2 to c4. It's redundant data, but it should work. sooo.... c1 c2 c3(c1) c4(c2) hope this helps peace
  23. well, i'm not familiar with kawa-hex, but the OLD p1 was 8 megs and the new revised slimmed up p1 is 6 megs. This may also be your problem. I know if you load one too small, the program hangs. I imagine if it's too big, it freaks out too...perhaps give you that error message. check your kawa-hex documentation and see if the rom is the right size. -jin
  24. just rename it to what it's asking for.... it looks for CRC's first...if those can't be found, it loads by name....rename the files to what it wants to load and it'll work. -jin
  25. well for 2k1nd - your problem is this - the s1 rom is the wrong size - kthx rotd (i'm guessing this is what you meant by NITD) - you have a p rom that only supports arcade mode. It does not support home mode. There are other p roms out there that support home mode....but the one you have does not.
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