I know alot of you do not like VF but as you know I am a HUGE fan. Please fill follow below instructions to lend a helping hand. It is painless trust me. Want VF5R on Console? Then let SEGA know! You can provide feedback online by filling out a simple form on their Japanese website. Follow these easy steps: 1. Visit 2. The first field is your email address 3. The second field is the subject of your message 4. The final text area is the body of your message 5. Click the yellow button to preview, then the second yellow button to finally submit. Here's a sample you can copy and paste: Subject: Foreigners want VF5R for PS3 and XBOX360 Message: こんにちわ。たくさんのかいがい、世界のバーチャファイターファンがVF5RをPS3かXBOX360でプレイしたがっています。どうか、これらのハードに移植をお願いします。出来ればオンライン対戦があるとうれしいです。ありがとうございます。 Note: Typing your message in English is also fine. However, due to filtering, it's pointless to spam from the same IP and/or email address. If you wish to submit multiple times then it's better to enlist the help of others.