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Everything posted by sbpaabck

  1. are you using the same version of xbmc to launch the games on both xboxes? xbmc is cool because it auto selects regions for both NTSC and PAL games. If you are using any other dash this feature may not be supported
  2. lol, no worries mate. Just use xbmc filemanager to load this file on the xbox: e/ndts/default.xbe this will load a version of the unleash dashboard that will have access to your "shadow C" drive and also ftp access for your pc. Now download the latest STABLE version of XBMC from t3ch (google.) Once downloaded, unzip and rename the XBMC folder to XBMC1 (this is also the name of the folder your dashboard is in on the xbox) be careful for this bit here or next time you switch off and on it will be broken! Whatever you do don't turn off your xbox until you have copied the xbmc folder into the right place and it is in a folder named XBMC1 otherwise on the next reboot the bios will look for a dashboard in a location where there isn't one! - crash and loading of stripped evox dash would then ensue and you would have to try again! Now FTP to the xbox from your pc while it is running the unleashx dash. On your PC goto E/apps/XBMC1 and delete the folder, now copy the XBMC1 folder from your PC to the E/apps folder on the xbox. Hey presto, you just replaced your dashboard! next time you reboot it will be fine
  3. Where do you get the duo-x2 chips for a good price? I look online and they want $50 - $70 (£50) i can get an xbox for that... http://www.modchipworld.co.uk/store/xbox-mod-chips-c-48.html better off doing the soft mod tho mate, unless you get an xecuter chip with xapter solderless solution you are looking at more work imho. Only problem though is that a softmod will not help with the xbox that is not booting from the start. Could be a BIOS going bad or a bad TSOP chip so the xbox needs to boot up first to diagnose the issue quickly...no boot....no softmod yeah true, I was meaning for ace tho not neo. I thought he was looking at buying a chip or something
  4. he's probably right, for drives above 250 gig you have to use xbpartitioner to format your f drive clusters to 32k. Otherwise wierd data losses occur. But those symptoms wont occur unless you have filled it with more than 250gb. here is a bit of info: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/lofiversion/i...hp/t502036.html
  5. Hi, I would love to get this setup working it looks amazing! especially since the xtras are out there in the wild now. Problem is i've never done anything with code in my life. Do I just need to use a program such as Notepad++ to open the .xml files and basically replace the contents with the code posted by the old one? (and do the other stuff as well...) Your help is much appreciated as always, if somebody has the files ready made an upload would be grand
  6. Where do you get the duo-x2 chips for a good price? I look online and they want $50 - $70 (£50) i can get an xbox for that... http://www.modchipworld.co.uk/store/xbox-mod-chips-c-48.html better off doing the soft mod tho mate, unless you get an xecuter chip with xapter solderless solution you are looking at more work imho.
  7. still, what goes around comes around ! I've actually started using the xtras now and they are impressive. Just my kind of thing all that stuff i'd otherwise never get to see...
  8. alright mate pm me if still stuck (sometimes its best to not go too far off topic )- what did you do before they went off? where are they installed what setup do you have etc
  9. damn there goes my excuse for being allowed to post in this section of the forum
  10. That sometimes happens on a box im working on that has a faulty dvd drive. Maybe check all the cables are plugged in correctly (ide cable and dvd power) Try turning it on with the eject button and leaving the tray open until it boots, if it works every time then it might be the dvd drive playing up?
  11. Hey ace, check this out! apparently version 5 is getting an xbox release!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.bombergames.net/sorr_project/ I love this game so much, download version 4.01 for the pc as well its cool a good taster for whats to come!
  12. LOL! true that
  13. Sorry grr, I have no sand castle I just hate it when people are like BP, I really feel much better now. Im done I promise. I just had to have that in writing. Seriously BP good luck for the future. Its all for your own good anyway somebody had to tell you. See ya x
  14. To everybody else in the scene I sincerely apologise. Up yours BP
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_...nality_disorder Total venom, you chase away anyone who you see as competition in what you believe is a show of one upmanship when really it is the drivelling of a disturbed mind. edit - i decided to remove this post, not nice for kids etc.... the people I wanted to read it have done so thats fine for me
  16. Yes, it does look rather nice... Did you buy the case or is it a custom build? I notice the dvd drive has been removed - what size hdd did u use? Also are the case lights (extra fans?) running from the dvd power supply? nice bit of kit that!
  17. well, it all works...it just works too good haha. xbmc is blazing fast. my box starts in less than 10 seconds. ftp is at least twice as fast as it seems the low system specs were throttling it before. also, i have had some success with playing h264 720p videos from my network. i think people have made it all work at correct speeds, so once i do to it will all be worth it. still looking for some advice on what to do though. Well I do hope you get it all working mate plus hi def films is a real bonus if using the machine as a media centre like I do. I got my pc hooked up to my tv tho so I can get round that problem.... the xbox is quieter than my pc tho... once you figure it out maybe you could tell us how its done, might be useful for future reference
  18. lol yeah I did too, he was wanting eighty squids, is that what he quoted you as well? I can't afford that either plus from the looks of things it breaks more than it fixes....
  19. Good times with updated emulators Happy Bank Holiday Everyone! (from the UK) and Happy Day (hopefully) for the rest of you!
  20. So did you still want that xbox I have? I was going to cannabalise it for spares since a dvd drive has bust one one of my customers and isn't playing backups again. I was thinking it might be cheaper for you to actually send me your xbox to fix up, £11.77 for royal mail first class recorded delivery to me and £11.77 back to you rather than £40 for a new one and £11.77 back. Sound good? Might be able to keep everyone happy
  21. Did a quick search maybe this is relevant? Lifted from an old topic on x-scene.... It seems that my X2 4981.06 BIOS doesnt work with XBpartitioner. What should i do to format my 400gb HDD to 32k clusters? I keep getting an LBA error. sad.gif Joshatdot Nov 3 2006, 03:42 AM QUOTE(L0gik @ Nov 2 2006, 04:29 PM) * It seems that my X2 4981.06 BIOS doesnt work with XBpartitioner. What should i do to format my 400gb HDD to 32k clusters? I keep getting an LBA error. sad.gif X2 4981.06 is for one F drive, no G drive. so when you format it, you only need to make one big F Drive. jimmy84 Nov 3 2006, 05:57 AM remember partition 6 is f drive and partition 7 is g drive. .06 means f drive only .67 means partition 6+7 sop f and g. i would suggest just using the f drive since it makes life shit loads easier. remeber open xbpartitioner click white button (eg the button to turn on the light for amster chief in halo) watch the top of the screen until it says 32k clusters press a so all available space goes on the f drive. eg should be about 350gigs then click start then y and look at the bottom of the screen where it should say 32k clusters so you know you've done it right. also why aren't you using the xecuter 5035 bios?? L0gik Nov 3 2006, 06:34 AM QUOTE(Joshatdot @ Nov 2 2006, 09:49 PM) * X2 4981.06 is for one F drive, no G drive. so when you format it, you only need to make one big F Drive. i didnt think it was possible to have 1 big F drive. Is there any benefit to having an F + G? Should i change my bios or just have the big F? plz excuse the newbness QUOTE(jimmy84 @ Nov 3 2006, 12:04 AM) * also why aren't you using the xecuter 5035 bios?? had my modchip in my xbox for 3-4 years. used whatever was new at the time... any benefits to changing to that bios? thanks jimmy84 Nov 3 2006, 08:19 AM no the f+g rule was only used back in the day when they couldn't get more thatn 137 gigs out of one partitiopn so thwey used 2 for more space (i think) using one f drive is better since all the data is one one drive and you don't have to fiddle abuot with drive paths etc.. eg dvd 2 xbox you will have games on two different partitions instead of one which makes it difficult for evox etc.. so as a recap USE ONE BIG F PARTITION. that is what everyone uses. the 5035 bios is the last and best ever xecuter bios. the main thing is that you don't have to reflash the chip to change colours boot paths etc.. i can give you a copy of my ini file and tell you where to download a config program to change it. but usually i just change the ini file out of notepad since it's very easy. but if you have a 1mb flash rom chip with the easy ability to switch bioses(eg my xecuter 2 lite external switch) i suggest you use my bios setup.
  22. Thats the spirit! so HS means hyperspin some guys got pissed off that you used their stuff, shame because you always gave them credit, oh well. Pleased you've kept the spirits up man
  23. Hey RX, So if im to understand it right some *@?! sabotaged your spreadsheet and there was no backup, then they reported the MU links so they got removed.... So then the threads relating to who did this were removed? nobody knows who it was? Maybe it was al qaeda, this has all the hallmarks of a "terrorist attack" except nobody has the balls to own up to it? Who would do such a thing? It was 3d boxart related? I've been seeding the SNES collection since I got it but my ratio is still terrible not enough ppl are downloading my seed, im gonna get blocked soon. I'd hate to see the extras go not with a bang but a whimper, that would be a travesty! My point? Don't let this stop you feeling proud RX just because some immature person spat their dummy out. You did a great job and it is appreciated. My advice would be to "regroup" in time for the madmab releases then people can see the true glory of the xtras in action. We have a bit of time till then don't we? Time enough for a final push once you've had some time to sort out your real life? (good luck with the move, job hunting etc!!!) Im sure with a project like this its just a matter of time till you get your motivation back. Man its so shit what happened im pleased you're still around many others would have just said fu** it im off. Really pleased you didn't do that! Im sure if we rally the troops we can make sure this gets out there to everyone, we just need to get the momentum back, a wheel fell off back there but we won't just leave the ferarri as if its a wreck gotta get that beauty rollin again! Im so gutted about the PSX configs, that really would have been the jewel in the crown Still thanks for everything RX once this is all sorted and combined with the wide icons (on my xbox) the old black box truly will be a thing of beauty and the all love that went in to it will show in the final product. If there is anything I can do just let me know....
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