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Everything posted by !(Cobra)!

  1. ya...i know the last k' banner i made stunk like hell, so i made it better What do u think.. and please rate it from 1 though 10
  2. how do u make these work...
  3. well.. there it is rate it though the scale of 1 to 10
  4. better.ill give it 7 out of 10. because the pics at the forground are very very low quality. other that that its all good
  5. http://www.fightersgeneration.com
  6. well...ill give it an 5.5 out of 10. because u added a lot of light effec, the background isnt that appeling, a pics a low qulity. but the symbol at the left hand corner is preaty good.. and the text at the dragon goes welll with the splash.
  7. 1) Terry 2) Cable 3) Gato 4) Jin 5) Wolverine
  8. i was bored so i whiped up a goku tag in my 15 minutes, ya..i know i should have spend more time on it to make it better, but oh well.so...here it is: and Please Rate it from the scale of 1 through 10
  9. i always use photoshop 7.0
  10. well...im new so this is my first post there also warn my if i've already done something wrong any ways here is my banner: PS: it would be very helpful if u were to rate it from 1 through 10. Thanks
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