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Everything posted by cosmic_lord

  1. My Desktop is pretty organized. I really only use my Desktop for my Emulators and such. I keep the FAQ folder there, and in it I have a bunch of text documents that are moveslists for games in case I need 'em. I keep the hex editor there, it's very useful in many situations. Um... I don't have a background because I never bothered to put one. As you can see, I use Nebula. I think Nebula is the best of the Emulators... its graphics are better than Kawaks, it has more features like a better macro system that I hardly ever use but it's there so it's still cool... um... better blithers and blending and rendernig (which kind of falls into the better graphics category), and you don't have to pause emulation every time you exit... that annoys the hell out of me when I'm playing kof2003. Also, the sound runs better. As you can see in the other shot, my computer isn't the problem, so don't gimme that crap and say that's why Kawaks doesn't measure up to Nebula . Anyway, I use my taskbar for other things, like Flash MX Professional 2004, Photoshop, AfterEffects, Winzip, etc. I keep my mIRC, with the script that I made for it, on there, but I rarely ever use it anymore. I keep Nesticle on there for the good ole' NES games... like Final Fantasy 1-3. ZSNES is kind of self-explanatory, along with ePSXe... um... Kawaks dev, duh... um... Visual Boy advance is self-explanatory... and ZincGUI is the GUI version of Zinc so I can play Star Gladiator 2 and Street Fighter EX 2 Plus These shots were bad quality so I fixed them up as well as I could with Photoshop. They're pretty big for pictures, so give 'em a minute. Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 edit by IJTF_Cinder: Use a link instead with such huge pictures. They complete screw the forum up and force dialup users to wait on huge images.
  2. Sagat's not cheap... you just have to use the fact that he's a malungian against him. At mid range, you can beat Sagat. At close range, you can beat him but he still has an advantage because of his malungian-ness... (long lanky legs and such.) He's slow because of that, and you can use it against him. Anyway, obviously long range is a bad idea because of his tiger shots. Anyway, Sagat is not at all cheap. He's a true veteran's character like Ryu and Ken. Very difficult to master. But he's not hard to beat, you just have to go about it right. Although if he's in the hands of a true master, you're owned. Period
  3. ??? Load was flocking great. St. Anger is good... if you listen to the whole CD anyway. The Unnamed Feeling is awesome. True Metallica fans do like St. Anger. People that stopped liking Metallica after "The Black Album" or after the Napster incident were never fans in the first place. Yes, S&M was great
  4. Well... Dan's moves actually aren't weakass. If you actually hit someone with Dan's fireball (which is easy to do in a combo) it does between 1.5 and 2 times as much damage as Ryu's. Ow. I never really compared his other moves... but I do win most of my matches with Dan. He's not a weakass like everyone thinks, but it's still shameful to lose for him because of the way he conducts himself... i.e. crying a lot. I never played CvS... but on most games, Vega isn't cheap... he normally sucks. he was good on EX2 Plus though. I don't know who said Vega's moves are hard to counter... your friends must royally blow. But you don't need to take that "they're just mad because they lost" attitude. Rarely in a game are any characters cheap... really the only instance I can think of was Epyon in Gundam Wing: Endless Duel... because button mashers could do any of his combos at random, and also his super move would completely refill his power meter even if the opponent blocked it, and it was fast and could be done in midair, and was homing. Really Wolverine would make a case for it in the Marvel Games, but those games are made for button mashers anyway so they don't count . Cheap players are abundant though. I consider button mashers cheap, even though they suck. Really one thing that I do consider cheap as all hell is doing the same thing over and over. I mean, at least when someone does a fireball barrage with Sagat, they alternate between low and high... I'm talking about someone who does the exact same move over and over and over and over... and it's usually a good move that has high priority and such. Really the only kind of cheapness that ever nearly got the best of me was this Akuma player. No, I don't think Akuma's cheap. I think he's fun to use... and he's fair because his defense is jack crap and he's slow compared to Ryu, much less Ken. Anyway, I was Zangief, and the guy just kept teleporting away from me over and over until the time ran down, after getting a health advantage early on. I finally just started doing clotheslines to built up super, because unless i moved toward him he wouldn't do anything... and did a short hop forward, then a big jump backward and snagged him with the level 3 Final Atomic Buster. Muahahaha... Zangief rules lol.
  5. Despite my efforts, I'll be sitting on my white ass (I'm albino) all day. St. Valentine can kiss my ass, and so can Cupid.
  6. I've heard One... I can play it on a guitar. I've heard every song they ever did, but that's beside the point. Like I said above, it was hard to make such a short list. Originally I had 20 choices and one was one of them, then I saw the thing that said 10 choices only (doh!) and had to cut it in half. Hard choice but, meh.
  7. I really don't need it... I just want it to be working in case I ever do... knowing how to assign multiple addresses would be a useful technique anyway.
  8. I agree with you man... Nebula all the way. It has the most options and features... and better graphics and sound... especially since you can download extra plugins for its video and sound. Also, Nebula doesn't take much to run. My old computer ran it perfectly and it was an 866Mhz pentium 3 with 128 MB ram. The only thing was that the graphics weren't as good because my video card was like from the stone age.
  9. Nah, I don't cheat. I actually rarely ever use macros... but I'm stubborn, and it pisses me off that I can't figure out how to make this one work.
  10. Phew, there so so many great ones... It was hard to put up a list of so few. I just tried to put up a list of some of my most favorites, even though it's kind of hard to choose.
  11. On the contrary. Others are stubborn to change, because aside from emulating more games, MAME has no advantage over other emulators. I'm not stubborn to change, for one thing because I changed over from MAME in the first place. After seeing that there are better emulators than MAMe and using them, hell no I wouldn't go back... but who the hell would want to "downgrade" so to speak anyway.
  12. All right... I've made my fair share of macro files using the cheater utility or looking through cheat dats, whatever. I usually try to make a macro file for every game I'm playing... whether I use it or not. For example... KOF2k1nd, I made a macro file for it a long time ago, and put in a simple D,DF,F move to test and see if it worked, and when it did I cleared out that D,DF,F move and left the file blank, so it's kind of like a template and if I wanted to add in moves I could. Anyway, I have two questions: 1. Please explain how to use the @address+offset syntax thoroughly... the macro doc did a horrible job. 2. In KOF games... when you're enternig the address for Character under [Player1], how do you enter multiple addresses? Because in all the KOF games... where they are teams, each member of your team is a different address. In KOF2k2nd, the addresses are like this to the best of my recollection: Player 1 Character 1 = 10a805 Player 1 Character 2 = 10a804 Player 1 Character 3 = 10a807 I've tried about everything I can think of, from multiple Character lines with different addresses, to using "or" or "and" operators from programming.
  13. Ken rules because he has the best combo ability of any character on the game, he does good damage, has a nice variety of attacks, and for those of you that use it, Ken has a kick alpha counter that's probably the best alpha counter in the game except for maybe Bison's... (Bison sucks otherwise, they had to give him something I guess.) Ken also has very flashy looking moves and combos. I know what you mean about fighting the same person every time... that's why i hardly ever use the same person. I use everyone really... anywhere from Birdie to Rose... but since I can actually do 360 rotations without any trouble (and I use a keyboard) Birdie is actually a good character for me. It pisses me off that they took away Bison's Psycho Crusher and made him all fat... lol. He used to be cool.
  14. For the record, I don't dislike vintage games. I actually love some of them... like Final Fantasy I for the regular Nintendo... that was some good stuff. But realistically, people spend a vast majority of their time playing CPS-x, neo-geo, or ZN-1 and ZN-2 or something liek that games. That's why there's no reason to use MAME all the time just because it supports a few thousand of those old games. Old games are good now and then for a bit of nastalgia... but there's no reason to use MAME for the newer games. You can have two emulators... and I highly suggest you do so... because MAME just plain sucks in that aspect. Half of you cannot even argue this point because you've never even tried any other emulator. Anyway, the point is, keep MAME around for old games. Avoid it whenever possible and use a better emulator for the newer games. There is absolutely no reason to not do this... and you all know it. The only positive thing I've ever heard that MAME has that other emus don't is that it supports those old games... so obviously, when you're talking about comparing running new games on MAME or another emu, MAME gets owned.
  15. Well, most of the people who love mame so much, have never tried any other emulators. They're either too stubborn to, or have tried them and are too stubborn to change. Fact is, MAME is beaten hands down by almost any other emulator. If you want to play pong and crap like that, keep it around. Otherwise, there's absolutely no reason to use it. If I ever played games that old, I would keep mame, and only use it for those games... but I don't, so I have no need for the piece of crap. There's no such thing as "expecting too much." Save states aren't a big deal at all... look at their small file size in all of the good emulators. Besides, there is no such thing as expecting too much. All the other emulators have several features that MAME doesn't have. If having those is too much to ask of MAME... then that just proves my point.
  16. Does anyone have that NeFe converter program? The guy who made it, his site is down and I don't even remember what site it was now. I need that program to convert the kof99p c roms to kof99nd c roms. (I'm trying to have a collection of all the kof games, this is the last one i've not got.) I wouldn't even mind patching them with ips files one by one, if someone has those files of course. I'd appreciate any help... I am on dial-up and don't feel like finding another link and downloading again.
  17. I used to use NeoRageX a long time ago, I switched to it after MAME because I was dying to find a better emu... After NRX I found Nebula and Kawaks and they were even better, and still are ^.^ I'm waiting for it to be fixed for NRX, because if they fix it for NRX it will be easy to fix for the other emus... they actually might fix it for other emus first, then fix it for NRX because that's easier to do.
  18. What characters do you people use on Street Fighter? I find that most people I play against always use one person... but I usually vary who I play with because I think using the same person over and over is pretty boring. I actually use Dan sometimes just because it's so hilarious to dizzy them and then actually get the Super Taunt finished... it makes them so humiliated. Typically, when I'm just having fun, I use good ole' Zangief. If you practice, it becomes easy to do his rotation moves without making him jump... and you can actually buffer most of them from a crouching forward kick, then you can commence with the carnage... muahaha. When I'm serious, I use Ken. Why? Duh. When I'm pissed off... it's time to bring out the malungeon. Sagat's great, but he takes a lot of skill to master. When I'm in a defensive mood, I'll use Guile or Charlie. I also use Ryu sometimes when I just want an old fashioned technical slaughter. I use Akuma a lot just because it's funny to make fun of his taunts... (it looks like he's squatting and constopated) and also it's funny to hit someone with the raging demon, but you have to time it right. Actually, the thing I enjoy most is fighting Akuma players... because when they pull out the raging demon, I do a normal throw to stop it. It makes ppl so mad ^.^
  19. its not hard, nor is it time consuming. It only takes me like 5mins to whip up a mame driver(unless its encrypted). Hell...if you were gonna attempt to compile mame, you coulda just asked me and I would've given you a guide on how to add decrypted drivers....same goes for fba, I compile that too I already compiled MAME32 Plus.079 to accomdate the fixes in KOF2003. Believe me, I can do it without any trouble, I actually wrote a very in depth guide on how to do so for ppl who didn't know. But, it's finally out for a decent Emulator so I deleted MAME with a hallaluah and a sigh of relief. Somebody said "what's so ugly about the interface?" I never said the interface was ugly. I said it sucked. Basically, if you want to configure controls, you have a lot of scrolling to do for one thing, whereas other emulators keep them all in one window... but in mame they are one line at a time so you could have to hold the down arrow key for like 30 seconds to get to what you want. Also, it doesn't allow macros, which are a nice thing to have now and then for moves like Somersault Justice (Charge DB, Press DF,DB,UF+K). Yes, people abuse macros, when they set the hadoken and crap like that to them, but some moves are annoying to do and those I actually see a purpose for using macros on. Well, compiling mame... takes "so little time". Writing in the extra code you need takes about 5 minutes if you do it from scratch, and then the actual compiling takes 10 or 15 minutes... and that's on my computer... (3.00 Ghz, 1024 MB RAM). Well, I can open up Nebula and add in a dat in about 30 seconds. Much time saved there. As many new dats as I add and edit, I'd be compiling mame about a dozen times a week, with all the patches etc. to be implemented. Resource wise, MAME never bothered me, except for the fact that a single save state is like 10 MB... whereas on any other emulator a save state is like 20kb or something like that. That's ridiculous... I mean, even with a huge hard drive that could cause you problems... my folder that I keep all of my emulators in is 2.82 GB as it is... I don't need 10 MB save states adding to it. MAME may have few faults, but it doesn't have any advantages. That's my point... and that's why I have no clue why people love it so much. It's not user friendly... I mean a newbie would have no clue how to compile it or whatever, and downloading a compiled version would take much more time than going to some site and copying and pasting a dat file for one of the better emulators. The interface isn't really user friendly either... newbies wouldn't know what thigns like BIOS and stuff like that meant. Actually, the only thing that MAME has that I wish the other emus did, is that it's open source. It really doesn't affect me since I don't use MAME, but I wish the good emulators were open source too. That would make it easy to run games like KOF2003 that use alternate bank switching.
  20. There was a link to a supposed NRX version in one of the threads, and I couldn't get to it last night but I kept refreshing and finally got to it... it's the same dman one we've been using, so it was false advertising. Bah. it would not of been this forum as it well known that there is no known links for a neorageX version for kof2003 and no one has said that is one here at 1Emulation.Com I was talking about the thing on Neogamez.net where everyone said it was a NRX working version, but it turned out to be just the same old roms that work on MAME.
  21. Felt like making this because I hate MAME... and I'm tired of all the MAME fanboys saying that people who hate MAME hate it because they have a sucky PC. I have an uber PC... MAME runs without trouble on my PC, but I absolutely hate it. It has no advantage that other emus don't have, and it lacks things like macros and a good interface, external rom dats, etc. People who like MAME say "It runs 4000 games, that makes it own!" But how many games do these people play on it? Probably around 100 tops, and that would be for collectors. Nobody plays those old obsolete games anyway... everyone that is serious about emulation plays things from the NES up. As far as arcades go, people play CPS-1 and 2, Neo-Geo, Zn-1 and 2, and the other major systems. That's why Mr. X and El Semi were smart enough to not include all the old pong and donkey kong games, no one plays them. Anyway, vote and be merry.
  22. They don't all have to be macho men. You should just be able to tell that they are male by looking at them. I thought Ash was a girl until I hear his voice.
  23. My Caller ID was down for a while, so I learned that as soon as you say "Hello," if it's a telemarketer/bill collector/machine, you will hear a few second pause. So I just hang up then. If it's somebody who I'd actually want to talk to, they always answer right when I say "Hello." The telemarketers that piss me off are the ones that call you speaking foreign languages!
  24. Well, I wasn't referring to Ash's moves... I was referring to his appearance, but I can go ahead and criticize his moves. As far as charge characters go, there never are many moves. That's usually not a problem. In SF2 Guile owned ^.^ but Guile didn't look like a flocking sissy. Ash would be ok if he actually looked like a man or he was a girl so he'd fit his appearance, and also if he wasn't a flamer. But nooooooo... SNK just had to be unoriginal and add in a flamer who isn't in the same league as Kyo or Iori. You see, Ash is a newbie friendly character in the essence that his projectile can be abused OBSESSIVELY to great effect... and also the fact that he has very little combo ability, but that's to be expected of a charge character. Anyway, charge characters are very predictable for one thing, and they're supposed to play defense but since they're so predictable that makes it kind of hard. People wonder why I go on an all out assault with Guile... it keeps ppl on their toes sometimes, but since it goes against his intended playign style it gets me beaten sometimes too. Anyway, in the hands of an expert, Kyo or Iori could wipe out Ash regardless of who was playing him. And at least they'd look somewhat manly doing it... -.- Duo Lon looks like a cross between a queer and a goth in my opinion. The boxer on that team, I don't remember his name but he's annoying as hell to fight. I don't know why but he gives me more trouble than anyone in the game besides the final boss. At least you can tell he's a guy though.
  25. I was bored, so i made this.
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