Ragnarok is a really addictive game. I started playing it back in the Alpha days when there was no skills, maybe like 4 classes i remember if not less and the main city used to be Morroc b/c of the pyramids and osiris MVPing I quit about 6 months ago, I paid for 4 months in total and was left with a level 90 battle priest, level 60 blacksmith and level 55 wizard (tons of other throwaway charc in the process too) I've played on some really good private servers, thats what got me out of the pay to play deal, but they kept getting shut down, oh well... These days, Ragnarok isnt as fun as it used to be, honestly the pay to play server does rock only b/c there are so many people to interact with vs Private servers but its just too expensive for my blood. I'm still waiting to try out Final Fantasy XII Online gino