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Everything posted by vbwninja1630
Hey Worked on it for a few hours and I have the entire thing working from a DVD rom now. I figured out the problems. If you want to run it from a DVD, you must copy over the TDATA and UDATA saves to your Xbox hard drive. Then you must copy over (from the main CoinOps folder, to the "TDATA/babeface/" folder on your Xbox hard drive): autobootsaves cfg general hdimages hiscores ini nvram Copy those folders again from the MAIN CoinOPS folder to E/TDATA/babeface on your Xbox PS - not sure if you need them all. You probably only need 'general' to be moved over but haven't tested it yet. Thanks BritneysPAIRS. You made a great program and helped me narrow down the problem.
Well thanks for your help. But, after playing all the other CoinOPS off DVD's, and playing this one on DVD without a single problem besides the current one - wouldn't it be easy to run it off a DVD? It seems like the only thing missing is the link to the romstatus.xml file. Unfortunately for me I won't be able to play this one until it's able to run off a disc. I really hope it'll be able to run off a disc. If there's anything I can do to help I'd be happy to do so Thanks again
Also - I decided to test it by putting CoinOPS Gold onto my Xbox hard drive (as opposed to running it off a DVD-R like I've been doing). When running it off a hard drive, it works! It starts with the normal set-up, I rescan for the new games I added (TMNT, Simpsons) and it finds them, as well as keeps the red/yellow highlighted games, and the sound-disabling for all Midway games! Unfortunately, I can't run it off the hard drive, as I have too much on there, and I run all my emulators off DVD-Rs. So obviously, this can be done, and I really feel like the romstatus.xml file is just not being found after a rescan of roms when you're running it from a DVD-R.
Hmm.. I really appreciate your help and time to work with me on this, and I hope this doesn't too contrary but I am very sure it is CoinOPS Gold. My Xbox says that is the name of the disc, and it comes up as CoinOps Gold when I open it ...I also never had any Midway releases before whatsoever, and all I downloaded was the CoinOPS Gold directly from the first link that was put up and got this new emulator and rom/set, so it definitely is CoinOPS Gold. I didn't even have a different version of CoinOps on my PC when I downloaded it. When I deleted the three files you told me to delete, and started the game, it came up ("CoinOPS Gold" - Press Any Button) and when I pressed a button, the screen went black for a second and then said "Welcome To CoinOPS - Please Wait.." while a blue bar crawled across the screen. It then says "Searching For Games" and then "Checking Against Known Games" and finally everything came up. When it loads, it loads all the roms on the disk, but again, has no highlighted yellow/red games, and no sound-disabled, which makes NBA Hangtime unplayable. I really am sure this is CoinOPS Gold and if there's any specific file or feature I could look for in making sure of this, I'd be happy to look for it and verify that. I'm not sure if you saw this but I wanted to reiterate: After I get it to the point where I've rescanned for roms, and none of the games are highlighted and the Midway game are no longer sound-disabled... ..I turn on the system, FTP in these files from the original folder again: TDATA/babeface/SYSTEM/DRIVERS.list TDATA/babeface/SYSTEM/MAMEoX.ini TDATA/babeface/SYSTEM/ROMS.list TDATA/babeface/SYSTEM/ROMS.metadata And they reset it to having all the games highlighted and the sound disabled again (but again, no four-player TMNT or Simpsons) Thanks so much again
Okay, first off, thanks so much for helping out. I went into E/TDATA/BABEFACE/ and I got rid of them all besides Mameox.ini When I did this, I started CoinOps and all the yellow highlighted, red highlighted and sound disabled games lost their settings again, so that didn't work. As for the second thing you said - I'm a little confused "Or you can delete the babeface saves and then replace the save from the disc back on. This will rebuild the DB from scratch and fix cross lining issues" If you're saying to replace all the saves on TDATA/UDATA and replace them from the original CoinOPS Gold Rar, I have done that a few times and it hasn't worked. I know I've said this three times already, but I'm booting this from a DVD-R. Does that change anything? I remember I had to edit the ini files for some emulators in the past to run from a disc. Thanks again
I just installed the newest CoinOPS on a new (old) Xbox. The latest version is missing the 'Scan for roms' option so obviously you are running an older build. IIRC there was a bug when scanning for roms that wiped settings, but this was rectified in a later version. I'm running CoinOPS Gold, which I believe came out last week or the week before. What you may be experiencing is that "Scan For Roms" is not there by default. In CoinOPS Gold you have to go into settings and Enable it. So I believe I am running the newest version. did you download coinops final ind by any chance? I did not download CoinOPS Final Ind. I believe I had the first CoinOPS until last week, when I got CoinOPS Gold.
Okay for FuManchu. I took your advice, wiped the hard drive clean, put the original TDATA and UDATA back on the Xbox, and burnt a new copy of CoinOPS Gold with all versions (2 player and 4 player) of TMNT, TMNT 2, and Simpsons on the DVD-R. I start it up - I see one listing each for TMNT, TMNT 2 and The Simpsons. They all work (obviously) but are only the original two player versions that have been listed every single time I've tried thusfar. So - like I was saying, I had to go to Settings, enable Add Games, then I scanned for new roms, and all the TMNT, TMNT 2, and Simpsons versions show up (or course) but again my problem remains: All highlighted in yellow/red roms are no longer highlighted, and the sound is enabled again for all Midway games, including NBA Hangtime, which makes them unplayable. So like I said, it has to do with when I re-scan for roms, which seems to be neccessary to find more roms than the original ones included with the set-up.
For TMNT and the Simpsons it's the 4-player World roms which are the parents. There are 3 different versions of NBA Hangtime and they are all 4-players? I remember playing this years ago and I'm 90% sure it was a 4-way cab. Yeah. I've been playing the TMNT and Simpsons games for years, only the four player versions. I have no problem getting the NBA Hangtime rom to work with four players, but I can't get CoinOPS Gold to recognize the four player versions of Simpsons or TMNT without rescanning for them (as they weren't included in the original release) And when I do that, many of the settings go away, including the setting the disables all sound in Midway games (NBA Hangtime) making it playable. Otherwise, it's non-playable (2 or 4 player). I'm waiting for a response from BritneysPAIRS as I'm sure he will obviously know the most about the whole set-up.
Alright. I'll give it a shot - but obviously the problem here is that all the highlighted games/sound-disabled games are changing, not that the TMNT/Simpsons games don't show up right away. I don't mind re-scanning for them at all, I just want the sound-disabling to work after I re-scan. Also - I'm sure that the 2 player versions are not neccessary to play the 4 player versions, because the four player versions are all I had before. This is the 6th or 7th different emulator I've had (CoinOPS is the best) and even in the last CoinOPS - the four player versions, again, were all I had and they worked. Also - I'll restate that the four player versions work in CoinOPS Gold as well (without the two player versions).
I thought about that but I don't see how that will help CoinOPS see the 4 Player versions when I start the system (as they are obviously not there). I mean I'll do it if it will help but I really don't think it will. The problem has to be from when you "scan for roms" and all the settings just go away
Also...if this helps, I just did it again (same results) And I've narrowed this down: After I get it to the point where I've rescanned for roms, and none of the game are highlighted and the Midway game are no longer sound-disabled... ..I turn on the system, FTP in these different files: TDATA/babeface/SYSTEM/DRIVERS.list TDATA/babeface/SYSTEM/MAMEoX.ini TDATA/babeface/SYSTEM/ROMS.list TDATA/babeface/SYSTEM/ROMS.metadata And replace the ones there, everything goes back to normal - are the highlighted games are highlighted, Midway has sound off (and again, I can't see the TMNT 4 player games). Don't know if this helps but thought it might narrow it down. Thanks for the help everyone.
Hmm. Well I'll tell you what I did to see if we can figure it out. - I copied the UDATA and TDATA to my E partition on the Xbox - Burned CoinOPS GOLD to a DVD-R - All games are playable at this point, with the exact romset that was included with the release, including the two-player versions of Simpsons and TMNT Okay, so when I added TMNT and Simpsons: - I simply added the roms to the folder "roms", and deleted the original TMNT, TMNT 2 and Simpsons. - Deleted TDATA and UDATA on the Xbox, and put the original folders back on - I burned the CoinOPS disc again with the new games - When I turn it on, if I go to play (example:) TMNT, it won't work (as it starts up with all favorites selected, sound off Midway games, lightgun games highlighted in red, etc) because it is looking for the two player game - I go to "Settings" on the game select screen, and ENABLE "Games Can Be Added Or Removed" - Go back to Game Select, go to Scan For New Games - It scans, and finds the TMNT game (now listed as "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (4 Player)") but now all favorites are de-selected, no games are highlighted in red, and all Midway games have sound enabled Since the first time, I have completely wiped the Save Settings from my harddrive and tried it over again three different times, using the exact same steps. Finally, I did edit the romstatus.xml file. I changed "<Rom name="tmnt2po" version="?"> <Status></Status> <StatusNumber>4</StatusNumber> </Rom>" (which was the two player version) to "<Rom name="tmnt" version="?"> <Status></Status> <StatusNumber>4</StatusNumber> </Rom>" (which was the four player version). But the problem is quite obviously that when it re-scans, it stops paying attention to (my guess) something in the UDATA/TDATA files. I believe this because if I replace them again, everything goes back to normal (and I again, cannot see the TMNT 4 player games). I tried to be as descriptive as possible and let you know everything I'm doing exactly. So what do you think I'm doing wrong?
NBA Hangtime is a Midway game which is known to struggle, along with the likes of Mortal Kombat. The only solution at the minute is to disable sound. Does the 2-player version perform any better? Check out the spreadsheet here for information/issues with games. You know what? Now that I think about it, when I first got Coinops Gold, there was an icon in the corner of NBA Hangtime on the game select screen indicating that it had sound disabled, and now it's missing. Maybe disabling the sound will fix this... I just went and checked and sure enough, NBA Jam, NBA Jam TE, and all the Mortal Kombat games no longer have the icon to show no sound, so the sound is probably enabled. How do you manually disable the sound? the sound in these games are off anyway you cant switch them back on.whatever you did to your ingame settings i suggest you delete your gamesave and do a fresh install of the gamesave. Well, I did switch on the same in the game somehow. Anyway - yes, I replaced the UDATA and TDATA folders and it seemed to fix this problem. Thanks. I wonder how in the hell I switched it off? I again, changed it to four-player mode, knowing how to fix the problem if it comes up again. But it didn't. So I think we're set with that. But I do have a big problem. The reason this originally started was because I wanted to add the four-player versions of TMNT, TMNT 2, Simpsons, etc. Whenever you "Scan For New Roms", it deletes some settings previously existing: including TURNING OFF THE SOUND IN NBA HANGTIME AND OTHER MIDWAY GAMES! That was the problem! So how do I add roms (TMNT, TMNT 2, Simpsons) to my list without losing the settings that allow NBA Hangtime to play?
NBA Hangtime is a Midway game which is known to struggle, along with the likes of Mortal Kombat. The only solution at the minute is to disable sound. Does the 2-player version perform any better? Check out the spreadsheet here for information/issues with games. You know what? Now that I think about it, when I first got Coinops Gold, there was an icon in the corner of NBA Hangtime on the game select screen indicating that it had sound disabled, and now it's missing. Maybe disabling the sound will fix this... I just went and checked and sure enough, NBA Jam, NBA Jam TE, and all the Mortal Kombat games no longer have the icon to show no sound, so the sound is probably enabled. How do you manually disable the sound?
you need to download the 4 player version of the roms,coinops usually comes with 2 player versions depending on what has been requested so just download the 4 player version scan for new roms and your good to go. Thanks very much! I really hope that works. All the previous versions of Coinops I downloaded had the four player versions and I still have those versions. I'll throw them in and see if it all works out. Thanks again! no probs it will work fine. Okay so I added the four player games that weren't there (TMNT, Simpsons, etc) and they all worked fine. Thanks very much for that! But when I went to play NBA Hangtime with four players, it lagged incredibly, to the point where it was unplayable If it helps, when I go to Game Settings (in-game) these are the settings: Test Switch: Off Powerup Test: Off Bill Validator: Off Cabinet: 4-player Counters: One, 1/1 Country: USA Coinage: 1 Coinage Source: CMOS I changed it back to a "2-player" cabinet and it lags just as poorly. Can anyone tell me how to make four players playable, or at least get two player-mode back? Thanks
you need to download the 4 player version of the roms,coinops usually comes with 2 player versions depending on what has been requested so just download the 4 player version scan for new roms and your good to go. Thanks very much! I really hope that works. All the previous versions of Coinops I downloaded had the four player versions and I still have those versions. I'll throw them in and see if it all works out. Thanks again!
Hey I have a quick question - first off, CoinOps is great, as always. My question is this - I just got CoinOps Gold. I tried to play NBA Hangtime with four players, and was only able to get two controllers to register (even though it's under the "Four Players" section). So I pressed BACK and WHITE to get to Game Settings and was able to change it to a "4 Player Cabinet" and then the controllers worked. Great! My question is: The game I would play the most are The Simpsons, TMNT, TMNT 2, X-Men, etc. All four player games. I went to play the Simpsons today and it wouldn't read more than two controllers. I figured I could fix this the same way, but when I pressed BACK and WHITE in-game, it didn't have the option "Game Settings" so I couldn't change it. I also noticed that Simpsons was listed under the "Two Players" section. So my question is basically, how do I make the Simpsons arcade four player? And hopefully, for any other games - Xmen, TMNT, etc (which I haven't checked yet) will it be the same process?