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Everything posted by NeoRAGERx

  1. NRX 4.8 has ss5sp in the list....
  2. Everyone makes a sloppy job sooner or later...
  3. Ferrer & Sydenham - Sandcastles [Pete Heller ReEdit]
  4. SFA2 PC is ok imo...and puzzle figher is nice too
  5. Yeah....that's right...
  6. Capcom had CPS2 period
  7. HDD BIG Mofo crash...hate it when it happens
  8. Ok i got a cd from a friend and it has this game on it, did u know about this ? And yes is a legit SNK release....on the web i couldn't find much info....the game is dated 2000 and it has D3D support ...never knew it existed only i know about samsho2 wich i have too but is not too much difference fromt the neo.
  9. Thx for the IPS , the hack sux tho IMO
  10. Are u seroius dude ... SNKP = 2D or atleast that used to mean...
  11. Not much now
  12. Any of you have listened to this....it rocks..especialy Esaka 2oo3 ....a must have.
  13. Ouch...damn IE sorry boyz...sh*t happens
  14. @axl: PASS, i want a GameCube check dis out: Interesting and sad neogeo news Let's start with the interesting news: -First, Playmore said that they would make a Samurai Showdown 6, Metal Slug 6 and KOF 2004 -There's a possibilty that the next futur games will be in 3D -A company named Ignition Entertainment has decided to make the console ports of the neogeo games in Europe And for the sad stuff For the sad news: -The only connection between SNK Playmore and Sammy, is the right for Playmore to use the Atomiswave system, It means that Sammy won't be publishing for PLaymore The reason why Playmore is gonna use the Atomiswave is because of the piracy, not for new graphics -The battle between Playmore and Aruze is still going -Sony Computer Entertainment America is no more interested in releasing 2D games, SNK Playmore is quite frustrated by this. What do u have to say huh ?
  15. i just got it to work, is it just me or are these the best sound effects ever on a mvs game? i mean playing it sounds alot like watching a Zatoichi film <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ur damn right best of tha best...i even made mp3s of them...very atmospheric...
  16. Sublime music & sfx...what can u expect from another samsho
  17. @axl: am DSL si nu am PS2 si nici nu vreau...din Neptun
  18. @axl: sa mori tu....sa dau 1-2 bulioane pe un cd...nu prea cred...poate tu esti mai bogat cine stie :PP
  19. Does ZiNC work with a Voodoo2 card ?
  20. DJ Tiesto - Obsession [Frank Biazzi Remix].mp3
  21. I see no reply
  22. @axl: Re-Bouts for Kof 95-98...are u sane?....why cuz it will be on ps2 and look all flashy and stuff....i see them useless....this proves that snkp is shaking and doesn't have any fresh ideas...wich is bad...oh well...
  23. Never tought of that b4....yeah guess so...but let's wait for his ?reply?
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