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Everything posted by NeoRAGERx

  1. ATB - Hold You [Clubb Mix 2].mp3
  2. Yeah what are you talking about?
  3. SNKP: back to milk the money-cow...
  4. Nero 5 is tha best...6 has nice ui but sux in some ways...like when continuing a multisession cd: if u burned a cd before continuing that multisession cd it keeps the label of that previous cd and is kinda fustrating...and the fact they got out the nero wizard and put in nero express it sux....so 5 is the best...
  5. Netcaptor & Opera are good...
  6. It would be great to have more skins to choose from....the previews one was cool and fast....now the first one is too dark the second one wich i use is okay blueish
  7. To use the decrypted V roms in NeoRAGEx i have to join them into 1 big V or 2 Vs...and how to do it
  8. Can anyone give me the encrypted V r0m ? Do Not Ask For Rom Links
  9. u got the decryped v romz ?
  10. Yeah my bad...what i meant was that we should wait for the decrypted r0mz i wonder why in the hell the dude that released the rom set as it is now didn't released the sound romz too....he wants to kill us with days
  11. can't u just wait for the original v and m romz ? :\
  12. Yes that one...i read that it will be on cps2 too like a remember of cps2 maybe the info was "fake" ?
  13. Neither a google search hint :\
  14. Why would u want the japanese ones ?
  15. Why would u want the japanese ones ?
  16. There is going to be a new cps 2 game the new street fighter - fight jam or something like this...i forgot his name
  17. What is this new P1 ya guys are talkin bout ? is it good for nrx ? oh yeah and where to get it
  18. That sux....seeing the game isn't sooo special only, more of a compilation
  19. Still playing romz with tha keyboard ?
  20. Sorry....and yes i'm better with the rom i have
  21. Well the cd hack of this game is 85% working....
  22. True Edit I am not sure how you double posted.but anyway i deleted your second post.please do not double post thanks. James
  23. Other than EFMP dump ???
  24. yeah i have this crap...is basicaly KoF 99 on the neo but with extra strikers and better backgrounds 3D like .... and the game is huge in size, like 43 rars 40mb each [i have to check]...better stick with the neo version
  25. oh about convert2.exe....is a encrypter/decrypter for Cs...better get NeFe frontend for it ...and what new dump are u talking bout ???
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