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Everything posted by NeoRAGERx

  1. Then wait for the nevercoming 1oo% EFMP dump....
  2. I don't know how many of u know this but this game is working with full sound and correct gfx in the mentioned emus ....look in RomShare forums for the "tutorial"...btw u must have the original bad dump to do it....noobs stay away from this.... So no need to wait for the hoarded fixed dump...do this and u will have this wonderfull game working in all emus....
  3. EDIT: i was refering to bled2deth17
  4. Why the need for a new dump anyways ???
  5. Where are u living dude ??? o_O
  6. I don't know if u guys know about it but there is a hack that adds transparency to the life bars and other things in kof2003..... last time i heard about it it was private...anyone knows something else ???
  7. Well the game is in the japanese arcades as of 22 april...so don't expect tha rom too soon (this goes for me too )...and an AES cartridge will follow on 15 july and it will cost 385$ and as u may know they are in limited run so hurry and pre-order yours )
  8. I didn't knew dat...and i have replaced the S rom
  9. Universe Bios Rockz.... it's a shame it doesn't work with NRX EGCG
  10. Sad huh
  11. It is possible to modify the proto version but if u put only the s1 m1 and p1 u got nothing cuz the gfx files were dumped from the final version so if u do that u will end up with a mixed garou proto+final ver yuck!!! Why do u think i searched for the final garou huh ? Oh and about that link....why not is a nice site...not tooo updated but it has some NRX versions Best Regards
  12. OK SOMEONE GIVE THIS MAN THE CART NOW or i will SHOT YA Go james go james.... and yes that's true not only EFMP (they pretend to have the good but private "yuck" dump) and yes look what happened to kof2003 if someone wants to do it they should....anyways i think SNK is not making loads of money whit the game... Best Regards
  13. waiting for the GOOD dump to surface....hoard a puzzle game is lame imo
  14. You got the prototype version....play it on a non EGCG NRX...try v0.8c or 0.9c they run it.... Here is a link to some versions of NRX Download NeoRAGEx
  15. yeah they deleted it....damn bastards oh well this forum rulez them all.... OK NOW TOPIC IS CLOSED..... FOR GOOD
  16. Ok quest is OVER i found the two files if i had a way to upload some pics i would but i don't have a website TOPIC CLOSED
  17. and about the CD ver i got it for free....
  18. yup and has the name pochinyaa.zip and is 19mb or so...anyways the game is in jap only i THINK...
  19. i know of a EFMP Team perfect dump that is private for now (emu-scene only) hope will get to the public (us ) too soon....
  20. btw Kawaks is nice too but Nebula hehe is plain EViL
  21. Thanks buddy NRX 4 LiFE
  22. ok so how do i use that dat file ??
  23. i can't get pnyaa.zip can u post a direct link plz...and to the patch too please...
  24. let me get this straight bootleg means beta or hack and what is bad about a bootleg...what's missing from the original one... ??? is KoF2003 dumped from a bootleg cart ??
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