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  1. I'm having trouble running the first patch, before and after trying to patch I get the same result: A warning window pops up with some text on it with the save location of the patch on my computer. I'm also having trouble forwarding port 10000 on my router when I go to the port sniffers site to test it I keep getting timed out My router is a Linksys WRT54GS I have the application name set to GGXX the start of the port is 10000 the end of the port is 10000 protocol is TCP I filled out my IP and checked enable. I'm not sure if I did that right or not I'm thinking it's timing out because I didn't patch correctly or if I'm supposed to have a different end port I'm not really familiar with routers. Any help on these matters would be greatly appreciated I would love to play this game online with other players as playing against people on xbl (mostly korean players) is kind of laggy and no fun and as fun as playing story mode and survival is I'd rather be able to play with some actual people.
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