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  1. The other day i wanted to know what happened if i took a psone game and just copied as if it were a cd and the game actually ran on my psone emu on my pc. the only problem is that i cant get the psone emu to work well with chrono cross so is there a way to make it play on a ps2. i know its probably a stupid question but i'd rather ask and feel dumb then never ask and feel dumb. thanks in advance.
  2. thanks for the help, i'll give it a shot... but do i burn all three things.
  3. I downloaded what i thought was its ISO but the extension says.IMG,.SUB, and.CCD. it may sound like a dumb question but i have no clue what to do now, therefore i decided to ask.
  4. lol... my DC isn't what it use to be. but thanx regardless
  5. Well i was just wondering with the infinite wisdom that most possess here, is there a dreamcast emulator that works. and not only if it works, can i use actual dreamcast games.
  6. well i have no idea how to do it, but a few friends of mine have some programs where they do something with the games and change the adx files with whatever background music and i've checked many places but all i have is coasters instead of custom MvC2's.
  7. i've been to a lot of sites and i never got as much help as i have from this site, so i decided to finally ask this question. i have my own copy of MvC2 and SF3:TS. First Question: how do i make custom music for the game. i've been to so many sites and just end up with messed up CD's. makes me want to cry (just kidding). i have access to a japanese copy if that makes any difference. Second Question: if i have a copy of SF3:TS how can i make myself a copy of it, or i've read things about rar files and nrg or iso's and such. I need help and Jesus. i get abuse from my friends b/c they claim its so easy yet they wont do it. thanks for any assistance.
  8. hey james what do i have to do, to do what you did (sounds weird hopefully you know what i mean)... and what was the site where you can get those hacks, i had it as a fav and it doesnt work anymore
  9. aw well no biggie
  10. thanx omega iori, cool site and nice pic of orochi iori.
  11. thanks for the info, cool site
  12. which one can i download so i dont have to run it through command prompt
  13. there's alot of games this thing doesnt support, like svc chaos, or at least the copy that i have.
  14. i've seen a lot of cool gif's on this site, but i was wondering how can i do that myself. a sight with a tutorial or anything would be appreciated.
  15. It took me a while but i found a neoragex that would work for someone reason, but i seeked help and finally found one that worked. now i've run into a new problem. how to i get it to work because it seems to read roms directories msdos style and i was never good with that. any help would be appreciated.
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