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  1. Release a Extra-PSX-Pack, pls
  2. I have to thank BP and all the others who made a wonderful EMU for the old Xbox. I just wanted to give something back. For all who are interested how to do it, here's the Bash-Script: #!/bin/bash rm testlist_$1.txt while read I; do # Cuts off the left Part until $2 NAMETHEGAME_left=${I##*$2} # Cuts off the right Part until , # and searches for [a-z] following [A-Z], substitutes it with space NAMETHEGAME_one=$(echo ${NAMETHEGAME_left%%,*} | sed -e 's/\([a-z]\)\([A-Z]\)/\1\ \2/g') # searches for NFL, FIFA ... and adds space behind NAMETHEGAME_NFL=$(echo ${NAMETHEGAME_one} | sed -e 's/\(NFL\|FIFA\|AFL\|FIFA\|ESPN\|IHRA\|LMA\|MTX\|MTV\|MVP\|MX\|NCAA\|NHL\|TOCA\|UFC\|WWE\|ATV\|NBA\)/\1\ /g') # Search for [a-z] following with a digit and adds space between NAMETHEGAME_two=$(echo "${NAMETHEGAME_NFL}" | sed -e 's/\([a-z]\)\([1-9]\)/\1\ \2/g') # Search for a digit following with [a-zA-Z] and adds space between NAMETHEGAME=$(echo "${NAMETHEGAME_two}" | sed -e 's/\([0-9]\)\([A-Za-z]\)/\1\ \2/g') # writes it to List echo $I | sed "s/GAMENAME/$NAMETHEGAME/g" >> testlist_$1.txt done < $1 exit 0 to run the script, just enter "./nameofthescript.sh listofGames Substitution" to convert the Xbox List i had to enter: ./CoinOps_NameSubstitution.sh Xbox XBOX_ Then i only had to look over the List to sort some Typos (andthe, ofthe) out CU
  3. Here's the Full Xbox-List converted: http://ul.to/7cvhy2 inside the zip: All_In_One: All Xbox Games, Xbrew, Xapps and XBor in one list XBor: Only XBor-Games in the list and so on ...
  4. @BP ( . ) ( . ) I'll do your list over the weekend, maybe earlier.
  5. The Lists are ready and here to DOWNLOAD CU
  6. I'll see, what i can do for you over the Weekend. PM with a Link to the list.
  7. No One? Sorry pookie75, I don't have the link
  8. Please pm me for the Link to the CoinOps FULL Thx a lot I'm loving it
  9. ^^ Just my 0,02 € I don know whatś the reason of the Wars between you, but at some point you should shake hands. War should be over (whereever it is) CU
  10. Will this be fixed in a new Version? Heard nothing about it. Thx
  11. Found a Bug: I have my CoinOps-Installation on "E:\Emu\CoinOps ReIgnite". I know the Name is wrong, but i never changed it My Roms are in "F:\Roms\MAME". All the MAME-Roms are working fine, but if i try to start a SNES or MegaDrive-Rom from "F:\Roms\MAME", the Game does not start. If i put the SNES and MD-Roms in "E:\Emu\CoinOps ReIgnite\Roms" then all SNES/MD Games are starting. I don´t know if it´s the different Partition or anything else
  12. Me too I´m coming here after a few days and CoinOps is cancelled Thanks BP for all your work on CoinOps. Maybe you (or another1 ) comes back with a new version. Maybe CO integrated in XBMC? My Hope never dies. Good Luck
  13. I got the standalone ReIgnite R2 working now, but some games have missing roms. Is there a link to the Showcase Version with all roms and videos? If "yes" please pm me. Thx
  14. Pls pm me too for the link to CoinOps ReIgnite R2. Thx
  15. Thank you for updateing and improving the drivers! You are :lol:
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