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Everything posted by (H2K)-xXx

  1. Yesterday i played Flying Shark and Fighting Hawk with Beta3, today with Beta4 it's not working. Ghouls and Ghosts, Ghosts n Goblins, FixEight and many more are not working in Beta4. Gigawing works btw. Edit: Missed the above post. I'll delete the SaveGame-Folder, insert the new one, rescan and report back. Before playing the Beta4 i copied the new T- and UDATA over the old ones. It seems that the rom-names inside the zip are changed in Ignite-Beta4.
  2. Thx for the new Version! Just tested the new Beta4: - Autofire, Hidden Settings - Many Games aren't working anymore. In Beta3 all Games worked. I updated always from the "CoinOps Gold"-Set. Is there a new .dat-file (RomCenter), i have overseen? I don't have a HD-TV, so i can't test all the HD-Features. btw: Where should we discuss new Features or Bugs? In this thread or in the other Release-Thread. It's a little bit confusing to have 2 Threads where a discussion is going on
  3. You'd better use the rom cabal.zip I you only have a recent fullset (like mame128) then unzip cabalus.zip (us clone), place the files in cabal.zip, then you'll get a fully playable Cabal with correct sound Fully working and fully playable (with all useful moves) is a difference The bootleg is the only version besides the Cabal Alpha Trading (cabala.zip added in 0.119) in which you can roll with the third button and avoid enemy shots. This is a very useful move. Unfortunately it´s only in 2 Versions, in the "bootleg" and the "Alpha Trading". In Other Versions you can only have 2 Buttons. In MAME0.84 cabalbl is playable, but has a wrong sound effect. Enemy shots sounds like inserting a coin The Sound was fixed in 0.119 or 0.126 afair. I´m looking forward to test the new version
  4. The only Feature Request i have for the next version is a soundfix for Cabal (bootleg). The Romname is "cabalbl". Added this Feature Request to the Google-Spreadsheet. Cabal (bootleg) is my first Game i played on a Arcade-Machine when i was a boy *rememberstheoldtimes* All other Features and Games are running fine on my PAL-Xbox, except the already mentioned ones like MK or others.
  5. Thx it workes fine now! The Roms were packed as RARs > zipping them helps
  6. I can't get Raiden Fighters 2 to work. I tried rdft2 and rdft22kc together with BP's Ignite Beta 3. rdft2 hangs at "Please wait"-Screen, rdft22kc is not listed after scanning. Can any1 please give me the name of a working romset for Raiden Fighters 2? thx in advance
  7. Please give me the link, too. Can't wait to try the new version I'll report back any bugs / issues Thx in advance
  8. Thx Cospefogo! Didn't notice that Eurasia is a so huge landmass.
  9. /me likes it too!
  10. Oh, didn't notice that, sorry Now it should work
  11. Can't get the Link to DL. I was too late unfortunately I've looked in the "Sky", but i see clouds only. Can any1 please give me the URL for the standalone? (PM me) THX in advance
  12. THX for your work on CoinOPS! I have a Feature Request: Please add "Cabal (bootleg)" with this soundfix. The "normal" Cabal works fine, but with the bootleg you can roll with the third Button and avoid enemy shots. The bootleg is working already,too, but with wrong sound (see the link above)
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