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  1. I tried to make a multidvd game using Metal Slug 4 and 5 but, CDVDGEN wont let me because the two games have the same folder names. I know I cant just rename the folder in windows, so how do I rename the folders so the game so the game will recognize it when it calls for it? I even tried to put them on seperate dvd's but cdvdgen gives me an "error too short sector length 600000". Tried using Hex Workshop to hexedit the SLUS file, but I didnt understand how to use that program at all.
  2. what is the lba i need to take out then? And what steps do I do to make the files back to an iso image?
  3. I downloaded nba street the name of the iso is ptc-nbasv3.iso. Its 4.37 Gb. I need to rebuild and take out the dummy for this iso cause its to big i need to do TOC refresh. But I dont have the games big enough to do it. So i download isobuster and extract all the files into a new folder in order. But there is no dummy file in isobuster or the new folder I extracted the files to. The new folder is exactly 2.38GB??? What do i do from here? PLease help.Also do I need to register it so I can extract the iso part and udf of the image? If I do do I extract them both to the same folder?
  4. How do I use my action replay or gameshark to boot up a backup with codes?I have the max evo V3 of action replay and Gameshark V4.1. I use swap magic 3.6 to boot both of these up as they are backups also.
  5. can I use it to boot backup psx games or do i have do get one for psx? Or could I use this to boot a psx backup action replay or gameshark then use that to boot the psx backups?
  6. Is it possible to make a backup of any version of gameshark or action replay and use it without the dongle? If it is what version and do i burn it on a cd or dvd?
  7. Im new to the PS2 burning since i finally bought me a dvd burner. theres this website Swap Magic Fix they have alot of ps2 pathes. Are the patches to that site for getting ps2 backups to go online or actual fixes for playing ps2 backups using swap magic cds?
  8. Does anybody know any good hubs for psx? I used to know a lot but I stopped the emulation thing for a while and forgot all the good hubs and websites? I hope I'm posting in the right section.
  9. Sorry, im not a good typer. How do I make a image of a backup dreamcast game using alcohol or discjuggler. I need to know what to change the settings to.
  10. How do I make a working imade using alcohol then?
  11. Can PPF O Matic sucessfully patch Discjuggler image files because I tried to patch the discjugler image with PPF O Matic and it said the image wasnt the correct filesize. But it asked me if I wanted to patch anyway and I said yes.(It said the same when I patched a PSX clone cd image file and the game worked fine.) But I ended up having a coaster. Was it the patch that messed up the image or did i make a bad copy of the image from the backup game?
  12. When I got to about 94 or 96% when making the image of my backup game at the bottom where the description is of Discjuggler it saya"Illegal mode for this track or invalid packet size" Is still completed making my image but is that normal. Will it burn correctly after I finish patching the image?
  13. Also when I extract the image from the cd will it be self boot or will I need a boot disk to boot it up? The game I am trying to extract an image from is selfboot.
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