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  1. Thanx 4 reading this i just wanted to inform you with this idea that i am totally new to all of this emulation stuff but i have tried kof on neoragex emu at my friends i really liked it and decided to download my own from the net so initially i downloaded the neoragex emu and than some bios.roms.and rom-fix files along with it but despite the fact i didnt have any roms i dont know how to get these roms for every edition of the king of fighters and how to fool with the dir actually i dont know anything yet could someone plz guide me through this process of installation i would be really greatfull all of you guys!
  2. I'll be really greatfull if any of u guys out there know how to start the process playing preparation of kof games includin ko94,95,96,97,99,2000,2001,2002,2003 after u have downloaded neoragex on win me n if any of u out there help me out here ill be very appreciateable for this act cuz i dont have any idea how to doall that but what i have done is that iv downloaded neogeo 6.0 v,b but u know i cant play any of the games listed b'cuz i dont have roms for that so if u also could tell me how and where to download roms for every kof version available thanx a zillion thanku.sighning off this is ian from ireland howdy partner.
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