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Everything posted by lancerx

  1. wow, really? where did u get those figures? that is fascinating that the xbox is doin that badly in japan. maybe its too much of an american thing? =/ darn i can´t find the post, i saw at gamespot, system wars, but that yesterday and i can´t find it now, but i remember the number cause i was quite impressed with the xbox numbers. i´l keep searching.
  2. Yes!! Let's play CvsSNK 2 on PC!!! KEYBOARDS RULE WITH FIGHTING GAMES!!! Sorry, for that bit of sarcasm, but online play on consoles is INSANELY good, as then we can play things that AREN'T FPS or RTS online and with other people. Back to the main deal... Nintendo is floundering because of the stigma that only kids like the GC. That and the fact that it has no DVD playback is killing them. If the GBA:DS tanks the same, then Nintendo is going to be hurtin. Lancer, please, next time, use commas and periods. Paragraph breaks work too. Anon. Tottally agreed with Him, except for the commas and periods , i don´t like pc for games and playing with a keyboard sucks, besides, you won´t see a mario kart, smbm or MP on Pc. I hope they change for next console gen. In japan they are doing ok, they sold this past week like 6000 units and ps2 sold almost 10000, xbox still not doing good, only 656 units.
  3. true and all that makes me sad i really hope that for the next gen they bring something new and fresh.
  4. guess that Nint never thought seen theirselves in this position worlwide (rolling down the hill fast), i use tb a nint loyal until the N64 and Gc (i gave them another chance), call me sheep if you want, i really don´t understand how a company with so many great franchises is loosing so easy, yes i know, M$ and sony got $$, but still, Nint is a recognized brand name and if they are here (M& and Sony) is cause nintendo mistakes, psx anyone?, i guess they deserve what they are goiug through, you can´t survive in a competition that improves every day, why don´t the Gc have online games as the xbox and ps2? don´t tell cause of the money, is because another mistake of them, everyone knows about live, what´s the name of the ps2 online? ps2 online of course, but MS went ahead of sony, that is being smart and when you talk about online most people say live, what i mean is that one of my favorite company as a child is getting far behind, who cares about connectivity!?, do i care for the DS? of course not, i bought a GC thinking it was going tb great and now developers are running away, **bleep** is wrong with Nint? what are they thinking? don´t thay ask people what they want?, if you go ti nintendo.com -- systems you´ll see that from Nes to today they are selling less and less systems, even thought that Snes was one of my favorites systems, darn Nint. u really know how to do things wrong. Hoppefully i got ps2 and xbox, if not...... well you know. Now i feel bettter.
  5. I was going to buy a wireless router but after reading this post i won´t do it, i rather stay wired than having all this problem. yesterday i was at my friend house who has a linksys B router but it happened that from time to time you couldn´t browse the internet, it seems to loose connection and from i´ver read it seems that linksys B router got suddenly disconnected from time to time. I´l stay wired mean while.
  6. i like this forums, people are cool, come by sometime...
  7. i mean, i can play psx games in my xbox but, i can´t play jag or saturn..... i don´t get it.
  8. how come then that runs psx games.............
  9. I always check on xbins, thanks anyway.
  10. Are there any emulator for each of them for the xbox? thanks
  11. What aboout ps3 price? wouldn´t that hurt ps3 sales?, i mean, i´m not gonna pay 400 or 500 for vg, i rather have an xbox2 or the Nin system. What about Nin? have they announced anything about next gen. system?
  12. How miis that time....... I don´t like Sonic anymore, Sonic team screwed the franchise and Mario is fallowing the same way, i hope Nintendo does the right thing, Sony wouldn´t be here if it wasn´t for Nin mistakes.
  13. Prican what i mostly want is to patch a game, halo, i´m tired of getting my a@@ kicked cause so many have the one shot kille option or carry a special type of gun, i´m really tired!, so i wanted mostly is to patch this game, is that possible? how?, i mean do i have to make an image of the game, what? thanks.
  14. I just got this files in order to patch a game, this files are trainers, but i don´t know what software to use and what type of image to patch the game (bin, iso, zip), can anyone help me?. thanks
  15. SMS, Saturn and DC each not only were, but still are amazing consoles with a great lineup of games on them. I think you meant to say that you didn't really enjoy the games that were released for them, for which I pity you . Anyway, if anybody can be blamed for bad marketing it's Sega, Nintendo is actually much better at it. Really.......
  16. Fatal Frame, as i said b4, is a great scary game, i was impressed with the enviroment, RE is not scary at all, i pllayed th Gc version and it was entertained for a while, never played the ps1 vers. and for SH i agreed with Prican, the first one is my favorite too, i´ve never been more scared in game ever, i love to play those game in the night, after 11 or 12 pm.
  17. Dc was released in 1999 if i´m not wrong, but by that time ps1 was at it best momment and people had lost faifth in sega.
  18. Guys, what´s wrong with you? we are talking about Nintendo, do you remember? Nes, Snes, those consoles were amazin at their time, for me sega´s only console worth to have was the genesis, sms sucked, saturn sucked harder and Dc was an ok system if you like fighting games, instead Nintendo has always been a great devoloper but with a bad marketing, ie: N64, why did they used cartridges whe they knew that they were more expensives than cds? cause they have always been arrogant, but their system were great, Gc is a good system but it has less games than the other two. Anyway, i wish they stay in the market for a couple more generations.
  19. Clone cd only let me open.ccd files......
  20. Splinter cell2 and yes they are separated, i´ll tried from the xbox but never from my pc´s cd rom, meybe it can be read from there but i doubt it, first time i see a mage splitted in 3 separated images.
  21. i´m lost, may problem is not burning them, the problem is making those 3 files one file, i mean, i got 3 images of 700 mb average that correspond to one game, each.img hast it´s.sub file. Is an xbox game, i burnt them and tried to read it from the xbox to ftp it to my pc but it says unknown. meybe if there is a way to open and extract the files inside of the image as you do with iso and bin files.....
  22. I just got a game in a zip file wich contained 3 images with it´s nfo (files are.img and.Sub) i wish to know how am i supossed to make one file from those 3 images?, DVDdecrypter is the one that can reads those images. thank you.
  23. Mine has just arrived today
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