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Everything posted by lancerx

  1. Why don´t you try having only one bios at a time?, i mean, select the game, selec the bios mode with x button, you´ll have normal mode and hle mode, i guess in normal mode is for the 1001 or 7001 bioses, just giv it a try.
  2. Done!! I think it was the seize of the pict.
  3. what do you mean funked? i can´t get to load the picts, i write the url but nothing, meybe is something with yahoo, i don´t know.
  4. let see no, my yahoo url is not working....
  5. how do i load a sign of my own in every post i make? thanks.
  6. 7001, 7502 or something like that depends on the region, i don´t remember quite well but i think 7001 is for usa and the other is fo europe, i read that long ago but don´t remember.
  7. I hate DC controller after a while i got my hands hurts, it´s meybe just me...
  8. Actually i only downloaded 1001, sorry.
  9. My apologise, here it is, all the bios you want. enjoy!!!
  10. they are changing the ip, go to novasearch.net, you´ll see an announcement.
  11. Wainderwhatever, you don´t look like german but still you look like crap!!, i really don´t care at all where you from, i just saw that name and i was i curious about it and trying to make friend, if you don´t want people to get confused just change the nick you.....
  12. RE4 anyone? SF anyversary edition sucks!! i git the jap release and it´s not worth it, better get the roms for CPS.
  13. Is this the only way to make bin files?, is it possible to do it with clone cd or nero? thanks
  14. Weirdzeige? is that and american-german tv? weird=american, zeige=show in german
  15. I meant that RE4 is a must buy between the few games that worth with the GC.
  16. me too, i ran avg and Mcafee 8.0 and didn´t show anything.
  17. i think that is a real waste of time trying to do all this, besides, GC doesn´t have too much games that makes the effort worth of your time, meybe RE4, i just prefer to spend some money on my GC when a worthy game is available.
  18. Prican my friend, you should get a bigger HD at least a 40gb minimun to enjoy or your emus ; on the other hand i did the same test and Kof98 runs with fbax as 99 does too as you said.
  19. I need some help, i don´t want to read 31 pages so meybe if someone could help me... i have kawax plus for new games, that´s how i see it in my screen, all of the others banned games run except this one, when it start loading i got that file 268_m1.rom can´t load, could someone help me with this? thank you
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