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i l l m a t i c

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Everything posted by i l l m a t i c

  1. Yeah actually i installed in the same folder...oh well, i guess ill do dat the next time..
  2. heres another possible ps3 pic http://mywebpages.comcast.net/stidepool/ps3front.jpg
  3. PS3?!?! courtesy of www.ps2-scene.org Looks like a projector + wireless connection!?!
  4. it did it again i got 1.01 and 1.02 on the list...i hate when it forces me to make a new profile... then I would have to copy/paste all my extensions and bookmarks...
  5. cuz i remembered when i upgraded for ver. 1 to 1.01, both versions shows up in the add/remove programs in da control panel..
  6. do i have to uninstall 1.01 first? any new changes?
  7. I do agree that this is a serious discussion. Well i think I would have let her go. I mean all she has done in the past 15 years is stay on her death bed waiting for a cure....a cure that will not prolly exist in our lifetime, plus i believe its costing them about a million+ $$ for the medical bills...
  8. http://news.com.com/Ask+Jeeves+to+be+bough...ml?tag=nefd.top Thats a crap load of money I havent even used ask jeeves in my life nor i know anyone that uses it...
  9. this is the first time ive heard about this movie, it has a pretty good lineup..J Alba is too hawt..
  10. hmm pretty fun game, flock those rolling midgets..
  11. Armin van Buuren - A State of Trance 186 Liveset Armin > ALL
  12. or maybe buy a tv that is if you dont own one
  13. nina > ALL
  14. the artbook is pretty cool, it covers from the series startin from Tekken1.. also it has over 80+ pages....
  15. who said heihachi is dead? http://reno.versuscity.net/temp/lee3.jpg MORE Exculsive Costumes, Devil Within + Tekken 5 Art Book http://img179.exs.cx/img179/5086/29794rr.jpg http://www.fighters-xtreme.com/images/2.jpg http://www.jeux-france.com/Webmasters/Imag...42747_0_big.jpg Art Book http://www.tekkenzaibatsu.com/forums/showt...?threadid=73780
  16. yup, i cant believe we got the game b4 the japs
  17. errr...i wish i preordered online, i coulda got this flockin game 2 days ago. oh well a few more hours to go...
  18. thats a whole lotta pics
  19. Tekken 5 for the ps2 coming out this friday the 25th
  20. i usually dont eat breakfast either, but sometimes during the weekends..mostly scrambled eggs, cereal and whatnot
  21. "But my lips hurt real bad!"
  22. you guys can suck my
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