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i l l m a t i c

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Everything posted by i l l m a t i c

  1. I was talkin about the napeleon dynamite, which pretty is new..
  2. This just made mah day...A buddy of mine gave me this link and we just made the best prank calls evar!!! Its a flash soundboard that has that dude from napoelon dynamite and pedro plus a couple of ppl, it has sound samples of the movie and it makes perfect prank calls... check em out if u want... http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/soundboard/
  3. maybe they'll change their minds when they see Fantasic Four Movie...
  4. best tekken opening evar!!! I already reserved the tekken5 limited edition collection....its the tekken 5 game, hori arcade joystick, and dvd case for $99..
  5. lol damm...kids these days
  6. this i gotta see...
  7. Billy Ray Cyrus- Acky Breaky Heart
  8. http://news.com.com/Microsoft+recalls+Xbox...ml?tag=nefd.top You can order a replacement here But it takes a whole month til you get it... by the mean time, you guys should
  9. at least $9 sumthing in CA
  10. the previews looks pretty cool, my bro works at the movies, so I might as well watch it
  11. welcome back (?)
  12. http://www.xboxaddict.com/news/view.php?News_ID=5820 This is pretty stupid, Oh well I was never fond of Tecmo
  13. http://www.mozillazine.org/talkback.html?article=6079 IE would have to do a lot of stuff to make switch back...
  14. i wanna see it..im sure nobody will mind
  15. 7.2Ghz!?!? http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showth...37&page=1&pp=25 props to this dude....cant wait to see the windows screen shots and 3Dmark tests
  16. Gayest idea evar!!
  17. http://www.videohelp.com/convert
  18. just #16 for me, only because I work graveyard shifts...
  19. http://www.intel.com/pressroom/archive/rel...0050207corp.htm hmm a 65-nm dual core?
  20. Bitcomet > ALL
  21. maybe the torrents you use needs more leechers
  22. I think i saw the preview on one of the family guy dvds, it was pretty good
  23. i got $50 on the pats with a 14point spread CMMONNN Pats!!!! the game is currently tied 7-7
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