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i l l m a t i c

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Everything posted by i l l m a t i c

  1. Another Xbox 2 Patent?
  2. 4? I thought it was 6?
  3. www.xoxide.com = l33t cases
  4. wat da flock is a MMO?
  5. ive missed that ....u can also delete undeleted stuff (in normal mode) using deep delete http://www.methlabs.org/deepdelete_r3.zip
  6. psx pad + radioshack psx/2->usb
  7. wat mobo do u have? ive installed the cool and quiet driver for mah amd 64 and now i get 22C(idle) and 40C...or maybe its just mah 5 fans ...
  8. post a pic of hijackthis...
  9. have u tried manually replacing the file? or you can prolly fix it by using the windows xp cd and check if it asks "repair the following OS" or something like that....it should be right b4 u do a clean install..
  10. alien vs predator sucked, I like the super mario bros movie..still waitin for a sequel
  11. Doh, forgot to give the link, good lookin out gryph
  12. http://news.com.com/AMDs+Centrino+challeng...ml?tag=nefd.top Knowing AMD, the Turion will prolly top the Centrino...
  13. so you couldnt delete the file in the qurantine section?
  14. Gran Turismo is recently confirmed working on XLink Kai Can wait to get a hold of the GT4....
  15. loving the screens, can wait for QIV and Unreal3
  16. http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9588_22-5512230.html Prolly old news, but great news for p2p...
  17. Microsoft finally decides to create a spyware remover called Windows AntiSpyware, you can dl the beta version here http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/s...re/default.mspx
  18. yea ive seen these in espn, pretty stupid stuff
  19. get a new job
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