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i l l m a t i c

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Everything posted by i l l m a t i c

  1. Wasnt FF12 and kingdom hearts2 suppose to be realeased on the same day? LOL im not suprised that it got pushed back
  2. http://star-techcentral.com/tech/story.asp...&sec=technology Umm couldnt he just use the money to sue his mom to buy da computer?
  3. umm flah a new eeprom? wouldnt u need to get it from another xbox's eeprom to do that? might as well buy a new xbox when u get banned from xbl oh yea anyone on any tunneling services? xbconnect? xlink kai? I just bought a router and cant wait to get it...
  4. Actually they already made disc out of paper too...LOL...too lazy to find da link...
  5. yeah i've heard theres been extra HD checks since halo2 was leaked...
  6. http://dsc.discovery.com/news/afp/20041101/corndisc.html Salsa anyone?
  7. Nextel i730....Nextel= best signal and phone customizations....
  8. I hate fps games on ps2..so no...neither way I highly doubt billy boy would allow it...
  9. you are kidding right?
  10. expect to get ur ps2 in a couple weeks or even months to get ur ps2 back..LOL...I sent mine last year to sony and got it around 1-2 months....
  11. I remember playin hexen (?) or sum crap on the arcades...it had a trackball to play with...isnt hexen a fps?
  12. I havent played any of the series, it is worth buying/dlin?
  13. hmm very interesting..
  14. well i didnt wanna make a new thread, but halo2 has been leaked again....the english version that is..
  15. finally got the new comp to work...had to re-format
  16. Series= Samurai Champloo Movie= Rurouni Kenshin: Reminiscence
  17. is it just me or the quality of the last three episodes are totally crappy?
  18. anyone find any differences between the leaked version and retial version?
  19. Gamespot stores in CA too
  20. Well IDE seems to be not working for me, might as well try SATA..since the bios searches for SATA drives by default...besides I never realized SATA was much faster than IDE... I wonder what would the difference of the performance between a regular Sata HD & a IDE HD w/ a SATA converter.... anyone familiar with an IDE to SATA converters? http://www.cluboverclocker.com/reviews/dri...sata_converter/
  21. well i thought of another solution...an IDE to SATA converter..if that doesnt work imma go crazy..
  22. both full and basic drivers are working for me
  23. getting no response from the anadtech forums ...well i found out that the error that I got is only warning that there is no drive connected to the pri_raid which is the fastrak controller....but when I disable the fastrak controller....the warning goes away but now POST keeps repeating w/o the warning....I also read somewhere else that I could use the fastrak controller as my primary IDE controller by changing the fastrak RAID option in Fastrak IDE in the bios....during POST it searches the drive in the fastrak controller and it finds the drive and it gives me a DISK READ ERROR.....man flockk asus!! anyone else willing to help?
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