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i l l m a t i c

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Everything posted by i l l m a t i c

  1. errr updated the bios and still got the same flocking error...""No drive attached to the fastrak controller,the BIOS is not installed" now what Gryp??
  2. so what about 378ata_100104528.zip....the promise/fastrak driver, It is possible to update the drivers in DOS? if so how?
  3. how do I flash the bios? the disk I created from that file is not bootable..
  4. L@@K sry but im desperate...
  5. During POST, I get the error "No drive attached to the fastrak controller,the BIOS is not installed" and keeps repeating, I know its only a warning, but I dont know how to take it off.... Checked all over the bios in order to fix it, but with no luck!!! I've checked online and da asus site, but it does really explain what to do... I think I need some drivers in order to fix this...well i know a couple of you got this mobo...soo please helpp!!! Specs Asus K8v SE Deluxe Mobo AMd 64 3200+ Corsair 1Gb 512x2 Value Select Western digital 160 IDE HD
  6. Dont forget about the fatness of the character....mines pushing like 260 pounds atm
  7. GTA:SA = DVD5 most likely downsampled tho...the voices sound muffled..
  8. i like mine well done w/ anything except those nasty pickles....i hate pickles!!!
  9. well im a warehouse specialist for Target...the stock boy if you wanna to be a dick about it....
  10. more..http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6249579/
  11. more..http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6237364/
  12. cant wait to play halo 2...im dlin it as I speak..
  13. Yeah it basically shows most of the matches in the evo2k4 toruney with dvd menus and whatnot..
  14. this thing rocks too bad it doesnt allow certain types of extensions...
  15. What a collection...he lives in my city, I should break in his house and jack all of his stuff..
  16. Just dled the first episode of bleach and its pretty good...i didnt read ur post btw...cuz it was too long to read ...i also got da 1st episode of Mai HiMe, its pretty good also..
  17. Yeah the dark skin hurts my eyes too, but i'll get used to it...hmm btw would a theme color changer possible in this forum?
  18. This would be kick ass for halo 2!!!
  19. haha yeah I think its been canceled already
  20. LOL wait the guys who made tactics and 10 (aka ff7 & ff8 teams) are the team in FF12? im confused.
  21. http://boards.adultswim.com/adultswim/boar...id=47&jump=true
  22. New screens of FF:DC..well new to me.. http://www.the-magicbox.com/0409/game092404c.shtml
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