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i l l m a t i c

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Everything posted by i l l m a t i c

  1. who wants to trade sum anime for some good ol simpsons episodes?
  2. Yeah true...4gigs is lil bit large for a movie...
  3. well i've been dlin alot of anime lately and atm Im really into hunter x hunter, Kenran Butohsai, samurai 7 and of course naruto well wat other animes are you recently into?? oh yea cant wait for the new gundam seed series..Gundam Seed: Destiny...it starts in Japan @ Oct. 9
  4. hahah...stoopiddd idoits...
  5. Well for those havent heard about this lil program, I recommend all p2p, BT, etcc..users to use this!!! I've already blocked 2 FBI and 12 RIAA connections.. BTW there was been fake versions of PeerGuardian in several places including download.com..so always check out http://methlabs.org/ for official updates...
  6. It's always worth it to get the real hardware. Full speed PS2 emulation probably won't be around till PS3 comes out... Yeah PCSX2 is years off being complete, i think theres only 1-3 games that are fully playable, bust a move is one of em....gotta love the progress tho
  7. I used to think the canadian holiday Boxing day celebrated the sport of boxing LOL
  8. of course I do..... well it depends....as for box sets of dvds or games that need cdkey to play online..I buy them, I;ve got all the seasons of stargate sg1 and the first of seasons of the simpsons...as for music or....i usually dl em..
  9. nec 3500a or LIite on 1213s...both burn @ 12x under $70..check out newegg.com
  10. startin over totally sucks ass *sigh* oh well....*begins dlin pr0n collection*
  11. I've been dlin all da simpsons/naruto episodes and i finally finish 2day and then i decided to merge these two paritions together (5 gig) & (160gig), well in the end..I accidently merge 160gig parition inside the 5gig parition.... and basically flocked up the 160gig parition, which had EVERYTHING I had in the last 5 years...goddamitt..
  12. I got 1064 different michael jordan cards....:)I picked up 600+ michael jordan lot on ebay for only $35 =P
  13. I still can get into the site and everytime I try to load the page, I get about 20+ spywares....I've that many are not able to go to the site too....and for those who can enter the site sayt theres hardly any seeders....
  14. Differences from the E3 vid: This is the official arcade intro btw Jack Attack -Added dust effects, when they fall from the roof. Feng Wei- No way the new Feng Wei looks better, the new one looks waaay younger, plus that smirk is gone, instead we have a look up and lightning Heihachi Heihachi looked like crap here, now he looks even worst with the new camera angle, doesn't look as devious Asuka O_o she looks better in the arcade version, more feminine Kazuya He has an immediate smirk, like Steve Fox in T4 which looks stupid, it was better before, at least he smirkes slow, plus there is now an opening in the backgrpund Jack Explosion steam now comes out when his head opens up Nani?!?! The new hei looks waaaay too innocent *taken for tekkenzaibatsu.com
  15. my guesses.. 6= Cadillac 8= Old school ford car 10= GTO 11= Chevy truck
  16. *Taken from ps2newz.net Zer0-X has just released an experimental win32 executable patcher for HDLoader that should allow for larger hard drives to be used with HDLoader. The patcher uses Clement's modified ps2atad.irx Get more info and the download from this thread In addition to that great hack he has released a method for v9/10/11 users to manually patch their HDLoader elf so there is no need to have a disc in their tray when HDLoader is started up. You can get more info on this neat hack at http://www.ps2-scene.org/forums/showthread.php?t=25640 Once again big thanks to Zer0-X for all of his great hdloader hacks. D o w n l o a d
  17. LOL...what is Puta in spanish?
  18. ::Off topic:: Is that michael jackson in ur sig??
  19. Was the remake for PC?? looks pretty tightt...damm u square-enix..
  20. Im doubting that beast monster person is really heihachi..since the beast breaks the chains from his hands...and its pretty stupid to say "Heihachi Mishima is dead" and show a scene of him... Would it matter? True Orge's flames were useless anyways...
  21. Tekken 5 Arcade Intro It seems that "orge-heihachi" pic appears to be true orge....
  22. It seems that he sold 20 of em, one of em was only for $250....>_<
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