Differences from the E3 vid: This is the official arcade intro btw Jack Attack -Added dust effects, when they fall from the roof. Feng Wei- No way the new Feng Wei looks better, the new one looks waaay younger, plus that smirk is gone, instead we have a look up and lightning Heihachi Heihachi looked like crap here, now he looks even worst with the new camera angle, doesn't look as devious Asuka O_o she looks better in the arcade version, more feminine Kazuya He has an immediate smirk, like Steve Fox in T4 which looks stupid, it was better before, at least he smirkes slow, plus there is now an opening in the backgrpund Jack Explosion steam now comes out when his head opens up Nani?!?! The new hei looks waaaay too innocent *taken for tekkenzaibatsu.com