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i l l m a t i c

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Everything posted by i l l m a t i c

  1. if DOA4 was one of the lanuch titles, it would have been a different story..oh welll sucks for them..
  2. fake tree w/ fiber optic lights with a few ornaments...easy cleanup FTW!!
  3. Well because the dvd looks like a backup
  4. either way, you can see some editing that was done...like when he puts the cd in and watches it close...so maybe its fake?
  5. I'm not really familiar with laptop ram, but they all look the same, except the one for $85.25 which looks like it has a certain list of labtop models that its compatiable with. And the cheapest one which has a higher Latency(bad)....
  6. Xbox360 Hacked Vid I'll simply assume this is fake, but the vid shows some kind of psp homebrew running a backup of a xbox360 game(pdz?)...
  7. i havent seen that movie at all
  8. www.megagames.com
  9. I've seen an advanced screening of it. By far my fav. out of the recent movies out.... Syriana > Narnia > King Kong
  10. This account of Dave Chappelle's fall from grace has been pieced together by a retired public relations executive who wishes to remain anonymous. A very LONG interesting read. http://www.chappelletheory.com/ Discuss...
  11. Discuss about Penn and Teller or about the Bible? I also always liked Penn and Teller. About the bible, i hate ppl that takes the bible literally word by word and its cool that they found more stuff that contradicts it. Elvis didnt do no drugs!!
  12. sorry but the movie was corny as flock
  13. "That emo sure is fast!" HAH
  14. I still use my 133mhz Packard Bell, does that count?
  15. that doctor looks hawt
  16. Case: Thermaltake Xaser V WinGo V7000D Power Supply: Thermaltake (something?) 420W Motherboard: ASUS K8V SE Deluxe CPU: AMD 64 3200+ (Socket 754) Memory: 3x512 Value Select Corsair PC3200 GFX Card: ATI x800 XT All-in-Wonder AGP Hard Drives: 2 x Western Digital 200GB SATA, 1 x Western Digital 80GB SATA, 1 x 160 Western Digtal (Inside USB External Casing) Mouse/KB: Thermaltake (matches the blue case ) Monitor: Crappy HP CRT Whats your specs?
  17. can u say 60-75% off brand name stuff?? I got a crap load off stuff from memory sticks to timberland jackets...
  18. better than pele?
  19. blah..i was expecting more ppl than that...not 4-5 guys...
  20. that sounds fun... also keep in mind the money that was used is donated money...
  21. you can add apple to that list... http://www.smashmyipod.com/
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