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Everything posted by Hera

  1. hahahahhaah I couldn't flirt if I tried. I was actually being sarcastic because I find the rating thing pointless
  2. hmmm... go buy a radiation suit.
  3. Kewl. I might be on there tomorrow night. Ya know, gotta kid and stuff.
  4. Awwww someone gave me 5 stars. gawsh you guys. My life is complete.
  5. YAY! Add me on the network. Veliska is my ID. As for the marketplace question, yes. It's called the Playstation Store where you can buy movies, games, etc. It's quite convenient. I love my PS3. I don't have to pay anything to go online and play. Sure, it's not as organized as 360 but it's not that bad.
  6. I don't think so..I think he's a little too far out there.
  7. I had called my daughter's doctor's office today to schedule a check up and it plays music from Oblivion when you're on hold. I found that incredibly odd and awesome.
  8. The good ol' boiling water or really hot shower works for me sometimes. Gets my nose cleared up and makes me feel fresh. If your eyes are irritated, just keep 'em wet with visine or something.
  9. Your county school board doesn't have any meetings or updates on how to prepare/avoid contact with the flu? They should. We've just had one here and people are more careful. Some are just acting ridiculous about it though.
  10. Indeed. Sometimes I get really agitated when it comes to that.
  11. I see what you're saying Iceman and I have to agree with you. Racism is still a powerful issue but if you think about it, white people are triggered just as much nowadays. It's a fact, there are a lot of things any black, hispanic and oriental person can get away with but a white person gets punished for the same act. What does that say? Is it saying that white people deserve it? Or is the judicial system saying that any other race is too ignorant to comprehend the law and handle themselves accordingly? We'll never know. It's a major issue here in Florida. And before any of you say it, I AM NOT A RACIST.
  12. I would normally agree with this if it weren't for the danger involved. Nuclear power plants have become much safer over the years and have essentially been "idiot proofed" as much as possible, but you know how it goes - if it's idiot proofed, they'll just build a better idiot. Never underestimate the human factor. I definitely agree. Nuclear for power use only wouldn't be too bad but humanity has to take everything to the next level....in a stupid way.
  13. Well, it's good you had some good morals about the situation. Taken girls are never a good thing. But if her hair is all retarded, that's a sure sign of getting out.
  14. Oh YES Oblivion is he most relaxing game ever for me.
  15. Yeah I've been getting headaches just about everyday for the past week. In Florida it's really really bad when there is a seasonal transition. The humidity is all out of whack every other day it's hard for a person to get adjusted. Thankfully, the humidity has been really low the past couple days. It's just blazing hot still but a little drier. I can't wait to winter...hopefully we'll have a longer one instead of a couple weeks.
  16. It's great to test how far we can go. But unfortunately, it all boils down to money later on. I believe that the love bug was infallible proof that humans don't have the means to create anything outside what we're meant to create.
  17. I despise him......always have. He's so gheyyyyy..
  18. Hubby and I are playing this game every chance we get. We're really awesome. Got unlimited ammo on every weapon, tons of treasures and never ending.
  19. Nice! I've been wanting to make my own pixel art but I just don't have the time or patience for it. I'm not good at drawing but I know there are some free software that actually guide you. I love pixel art.
  20. I don't think it actually eats bodies. But what I do know is that it runs off of rat brains.
  21. I loved that movie! It actually made my hubby cry a little bit.
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