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Everything posted by Alucard1475

  1. As the topic says, the sound breaks constantly during the play in pj64v1.6. I've tried several audio-plugins but none helped. It could be that my pc is too crappy for n64 roms. Is there some other emulator that would do the job correctly. cheers
  2. I've quite mastered the keyboard but I'd really prefer a gamepad... hmm, tomorrow I might go to cash-converters...they have crap like that. edit: whoooo no wait, I've got to take those three chicks to the movies. Btw, we are all going together in my car.
  3. ...in no particular order 1. SNK vs Capcom: Chaos 2. Samurai Shodown V Special 3. King of Fighters 2001 4. Last Blade 2 5. Garou: Mark of the Wolves ...as you can see, I'm all into fighting:)
  4. when selecting igniz or zero, you see half pic of 'k and someone else on zero. when you get to choose who goes first, you see all heads of igniz or zero depending on who you chose first. the ingame play is allright. lets just say that the graphics from the point of chosing characters up until the game starts is all messed up I will try some of the other patches tomorrow
  5. I just learned how to use those.ips files. Got the game to work in nrx4ab as well as in the official build which I got from Agozer website. game freezes in 4ab but does't in official build. bit glitchy though with the graphics
  6. How do you use those.ips files. This is like a patch but I don't know how to use it. ps:I got kof2001 bosses enabled, but the game freezes after a while. I get transported to zero at the start of the game and the graphics sucks a bit. cheers
  7. I've just enabled Orochi together with the rest of the bunch with one of the patches on that site. Here's a screenshot: I'll try the same thing with kof2001 tomorrow.
  8. So what's the official NeoRAGEx version and where can I find it?
  9. cheers for that ps: Agozer, he was talking about the winkawaks loader
  10. Can you enable that boss Orochi in '97 same for 2001 Can you enable Zero and Igniz in '2001 cheers ps: I'm using NeoRAGEx v4.ab
  11. whooooo my bad
  12. This is what I had before I've aplied the patch. The patch just gave it a better feeling.
  13. You can always give a go to this site http://www.gamefaqs.com/
  14. Thank you very much for that.
  15. I'm currently using NeoRAGEx v4.ab My questions are: Can you make it run in an window? If yes, how? Can you activate cheats in NeoRAGEx? As you may know, in kawaks it's at default f1+f3. I'm currently playing "snk vs capcom" in NeoRAGEx. I was wondering if you could activate the four final bosses such as shin gouki and serious mr. karate. In kawaks you could do that by enabling developer mode. I know that there is a code for enabling them both, but I thought they could be enabled automaticaly as well as athena and the devil. cheers
  16. Nice...I will check it out tomorrow as it's way half past midnight over here in Australia and I don't want to wake up somebody with the sound of a samurai
  17. No, I didn't use S1 fix...what will it do?
  18. Thank you very much Agozer for that p1.rom which I got from your site. It fixed the fatalities in NeoRageX.
  19. I may be fine than...although the cheat has to be enabled in bios for the real fatalities to be performed. Is this supposed to be like that?
  20. but what about patching etc. this thread started with some of those numbers being patched, some being put together etc.
  21. Hi everyone, This is what I get when I generate the dat file with the ROMData Maker. Is there something that needs to be patched? ps: this is just a simple generation as this dat doesn't work. cheers System: Neo RomName: samsh5sp Game: samsh5sp [Program] 272d-p1.rom,0,800000,3E3961F5,0 [Text] 272d-s1.rom,0,20000,C297F973,0 [Z80] 272d-m1.rom,0,20000,B5ABDA07,0 [Samples] 272d-v1.rom,0,400000,32156CFE,0 272d-v2.rom,400000,400000,E46D2F8,0 272d-v3.rom,800000,400000,3F0F7554,0 272d-v4.rom,C00000,400000,AD8FABB4,0 [Graphics] 272d-c1.rom,0,800000,8548097E,0 272d-c2.rom,1,800000,8C1B48D0,0 272d-c3.rom,1000000,800000,96DDB28C,0 272d-c4.rom,1000001,800000,99EF7A0A,0 272d-c5.rom,2000000,800000,772E8B1E,0 272d-c6.rom,2000001,800000,5FFF21FC,0 272d-c7.rom,3000000,800000,9AC56A0E,0 272d-c8.rom,3000001,800000,CFDE7AFF,0 [System] CartridgeID: 272 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0
  22. I got a dat file generated but it didn't work so I got a couple of dat files for SSVS from here and it works just fine. What's the thing with the patches?
  23. Look on google... What's the patch for? I found the rom, got a dat file from here (mine generated didn't work ) and all works fine in kawaks...and neorage ps: look HERE...you will find lots of patches...lots and lots of patches follow the two links... Patch Neogeo Patch Hack - Neogeo
  24. No worries...I found the SSVSpecial ROM as well as a SSVBoss Edition HACK ROM. Now I have three... I got them to work in NeoRAGE X, but I still prefer kawaks...
  25. Can somebody PM or e-mail me a working link to Samurai Shodown V Special ROM, emulator...I don't know what else I need. cheers ps: I hope this isn't against the rules
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