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Posts posted by L.S.D

  1. Managed to beat LSD once online, even though I just got the game. Also, floored one of my fellow Finns with an Ultra. Now to fight those 300 online matches to get that one Trophy.

    Good for you! :D

  2. I'm 6 feet 5 inches. Anyways, I always seem to have trouble with women that have brains. If she's hot and light-headed the conversations suck but there really aren't any "walls" or boundaries I feel I have to cross. But I don't really want that...


    All I ask is for a 6 1/2 - 7 with a brain that doesn't try to divide by 0 when I ask them if they could.

    Wow, you are tall! I am only 6 feet 3 inches + . but then I am only Asian :D

  3. Continuing on T. Hawk.


    T-Hawk has some of the best normals in the game. They reach super far and dishes out serious damage. The catch is: you need to be very good at mind reading and judging distance, as his moves stick out so long a whiffed normal can lead to a easy punish by jump in or counter poke- even mp and mk! Also I've noted that some moves that interchange between close and far versions (most of his moves!) carries the curse of doing the wrong versions if the opponent's lucky enough to be at a certain distance.


    So here are the description of useful moves that corresponds to its purpose.


    cl. lp/ far lp/ cr.lp- high priority, combos to itself or other moves so it's a combo starter, tick throws. Hits crouchers.


    df.lp- You can use this as a tick but this is not what it's best for. It's also a good antiair that hits consistently if done late. But its use it overshadowed by Tomahawk buster or a well timed cr.hp.But this is still good as it is easier to react with this move.


    cl.mp- good to combo to ex. spire/tomahawk dive. Also pushback isn't much on hit/block, so is possible to tick a lp typhoon from. can be linked to another mp(!) or lp/lk. Also can be used as antiair


    far mp- high priority distance poke. Duckable, so dont abuse it.


    cr.mp- a poke that hits crouchers, but range shorter than hp


    cl.hp- can be 1-frame-linked with a cr.mk(!).


    far hp- painful distance poke. But very laggy so whiffing it carelessly can get you punished. Can also be ducked.


    cr.hp- Super effective anti-air but must be timed correctly. Hits hard. Stuffs non-meaty crossups. On the ground, 2-hit so can be used to counter focus attacks.


    cl.lk, cr.lk- Tick move only. Cannot be comboed. Never used it.


    far.lk- good as a combo ender. But there are better options.


    cl.mk- On a normal front jump in, can be linked to an EX spire but strangely, EX Spire cannot be combo-ed if done after a HP cross up. Can also be linked to condor buster for punish. Can be ticked to lp typhoon similiar to cl.mp.


    far mk- ok poke that hits crouchers. range shorter than cr.mp but recovery better than cr.mp.


    cr.mk- good high priority low attack that reaches far.


    cl hk- there's no good reason to do this move


    far hk- awesome to stuff jumps on the way up. Also a good distance poke. But watch out for its recovery!


    cr.hk- Good to counter duckable fireballs from medium distance (e.g Juri, sagat). Thats it. No reason to do it otherwise.


    jump lp- If hit on grounded opponents, can be comboed into condor dive!


    jump d.mp- This is an interesting move in my perception. no matter how close you are to the opponent, it never hits opponents on ground no matter how super late. So in that case it is use to trick opponents to block while doing it super late and straight to Ultra 1 on the ground.


    on air it have some good priorities as well when uses super early on jump because it lasted quite long.


    jump. hp- Good jump in


    jump d.hp- Is the shit. Cross this up after a knocdown and let the mixups commence! Even without crossup this is a good air move.


    jump d.lk- Supposedly crosses over. But I've never hit it even once in a match. Very hard to hit this crossup.


    jump mk- Surprisingly very good air-to-air!! Good to hit grounded too, but does not hit as low as Gief's version.


    jump hk- Good jump in if opponent's at a distance.


    jump neutral HK is a good air-to-air move.

  4. Bah... called out. Perhaps tomorrow I will get out the boxes and refine my box dimensions. Then get ahold of that solder guy cause who knows when he will be free. Then go out and buy a replacement controller so I can have 2 regular ones. Ill write the dimensions down and have them cut. Some sanding and then get on it. The steps are short enough.


    Im looking forward to breaking out all my fighters once its built. I've been taking at easy on em because the pad pisses me off.


    Speaking about SSFIV though, Ive noticed Juri can be hard to fight against. Sagat is the only character out of my short played list that can handle her. My sorry Dudley cant get close. Im using Sagat, Dudley, Dhalsim, T Hawk. and I want to learn Gouken as in use him properly. But I still need to build up my current list.

    Juri can be easy to beat if you know what you are doing. You just need to watch out for her fireball zoning since she can stock her fireballs and have 3 direction of firing. Since you are using T. Hawk, let me give you tips on how to use T. Hawk against most char.


    T. Hawk

    Statistics and Overview


    Country: Mexico

    Date of Birth: 21st of July

    Height: 230cm (7.6ft)

    Weight: 162kg (356lbs)

    Blood Type: O

    Fighting Style: Thunderfoot Clan Fighting Style

    Likes: Animals and Hair ornaments.

    Dislikes: Lies

    Special Skills: Create sculpture in wood,, Communicating with birds of prey.

    Rival: M. Bison, El Fuerte.


    Hit Points: 1150

    Stun: 1100


    - Able to take punishment and score a come back at any given time in the round.

    - Hits like a Train at the same time posses some great range pokes

    - Able to Grab limbs like Zangief with his Hawk Slams.

    - Able to Keep the Pressure on with LP Hawk Slams that can grab his enemies from a distance.

    - Some of his air normals allows him to combo into Condor Dive.

    - Gameplan is to knock your enemy down and punish them with cross up shenanigans..


    - Move like a turtle much like Zangief even his dashes

    - EX moves are too useful for closing in or for counter attacks resulting to a dependency on Super Bar to be effective.

    - Requires some good execution and timings to play effectively against turtles

    - Having a very large hit box may cause problems at times.

    - no hit confirmable low combos



    Unique Attacks / Target Combo


    Heavy Body Press ( 2 + HP, during forward or backward Jump )


    Heavy Shoulder ( 2 + MP, during forward or backward Jump )


    Trust Peak ( 3 + LP )


    Special Moves


    Tomahawk Buster [Rising Hawk] ( 623+punch )

    - Damage: Light 130 / Medium 150 / Heavy 160 / EX 130

    - This is his anti air with Invulnerability properties, T Hawks version of SRK ~ "HP potentially hits twice yet to be confirmed"

    - EX version will have more Invulnerability frames and allow you to perform EX-Condor Dive by simply pressing three Punches during its animation but at cost of another EX bar for more combo damage.


    Condor Dive ( LP+MP+HP while in the air)

    - Damage: 120 / EX ??

    - His air dive attack great for closing in and also his main armor breaking attack.

    - Able to cross up if the spacing is correct.

    - whether is safe on block depends entirely on how close you are to the ground when your enemy blocks it.

    - He is able to combo cancel into his Condor dive with his jumping LP.

    - Ex version can only be done after EX-Tomahawk Buster.


    Mexican Typhoon [Hawk Slam] ( 360 motion + Punch )

    - Damage: Light 150 / Medium 200 / Heavy 230 / EX 200

    - T. Hawk's command grab like Zangief's SPD "Grab range might differ from LP/MP/HP however LP leaves them right next to you, MP in Mid Screen, while HP lands you at the corner of the screen"

    - EX version seems to have Invulnerability frames against strikes much like Abel's EX tornado throw.


    Condor Spire ( 421+punch )

    - Damage: Light 120 / Medium 120 / Heavy 120 / EX 150

    - Yet another move for T.Hawk to close in the gap but suffers a bit from startup time. It doesn't knocks down but leaves you in range for a good Hawk slam.

    - Light, Medium, Heavy differs in distances.

    - EX version knocks down and open up juggling properties. In addition this has Armor Breaking Properties.





    Super Hawk Slam ( 720 motion + Punch )

    - Damage: 430


    Ultra 1 and 2


    1) Raging Typhoon ( 720 motion + LP+MP+HP )

    - Damage: 510

    - Looks like it grabs further compared Zangief's Ultra


    2) Raging Slash ( 63214 x2 + LP+MP+HP )

    - Damage: 430

    - His anti air Ultra. Much like a Tomahawk Buster, capable of connecting when your enemy is in a juggle state.



    - Jump in (x), s.mk, Ex-Condorsipre, Ex-Tomahawk Buster~ Ex-Condor Dive

    - Jump in (x), s.hp, c.lp, Tomahawk Buster or Ex-Tomahawk Buster

    - Jump in (x), s.lpx2, c.mp, Ex-Condorspire, Ex-Tomahawk Buster~ Ex-Condor Dive

    - Jump in (x), c.lp x1, c.lk, Ex-Tomahawk Buster~ Ex-Condor Dive

  5. Guy seems to be a lot slower in SSIV. Dudley's quick dash is slower in SSIV too. It was faster in SFIII.

    Lol, you dun know how amazing Guy can be in this game. So does Dudley.


    Ems, if you really want easy game for now, choose those high tier char like Sagat.

  6. My copy arrives on Friday. First time I'll get my hands on Street Fighter IV, save this one time when I gave the game a go at a friend's house.

    Hmm, want to try and play with me? Let's see how the connection is :D

  7. I suck. Really really bad too. Apparently the only thing im good at in SSFIV is playing badly. I never really played SFIV so the engine is new to me. Secondly, I havent played SF in forever and the basics are all but obscure to me. My timing for situations is all off here. I.E. They jump and I dont punish in time for instance. 3rd... I hate the 360 controller... and I havent completed my joystick. Time to get on it.


    I started off on easy to familiarize myself with the game and now play on medium. I'm not feeling the game yet. You know what I mean? When you zone into a game and you can just feel the pace and so forth? I'm no where near that. I feel like a girl gamer im so bad. I'd go online but I got totally destroyed. I see how I'm playing and it disgusts me. Im generally good at all games and this is horrible. I dont have a deep understanding of 1 character let alone everyone... I need to drill combos and timing and situational defenses/offenses ~ punishment. Problem is Im starting at ground 0. Its as if I have never played a fighting game before I'm playing so bad. I find myself getting frustrated and recessing to Tiger Knee, Tiger Uppercut, or Fireball spamming.


    I have hit just over 3 Hrs on SSFIV now. Thats how new I am to this and there are those who have been playing the first one forever now... so I am way below par. I see a guy from here playing SFIV now SSFIV all the damn time... not me. Im nube


    So yea... I need ALOT of practice. Its not even funny.


    Also... whats up with the most rancid looking anime at the ending of the game? Youd think something as famous as SF would get the royal treatment! I look forward to beating the game with everyone so I can puke alittle in my mouth for each persons ending. Whoever drew that anime... and whoever decided to go with that artist... and whoever gave it the final seal of approval all need to be sliced at the gut and strangled with their intestines while piranha devour their flesh and boiling oil is injected into their eyes. We need horrifying punishment to diminish the number of bad artists. The anime at the end is really that bad. They need to die a horrible death as punishment.


    Some characters look so fucking silly it drives me nuts. Adon, Blanka etc...


    But anyway... I need alot of practice. If anyone here doesnt mind handing me my ass on occasion, if you see me playing by all means send me a challenge. The only way I can get good is through practice... alot of it.

    If I'm on X360, i would have challenge you. But I'm not :D


    Try playing through the trial challenge. It might helps ;)

  8. Even in the right hands he can get zoned the fuck out by characters. His best match up is against Abel of all people.


    Best bet vs Flowchart Kens? Block and punish whiffed SRKs with SPD/RBG. Punish jump ins with lariat. If he tires to poke with F+MK, use Standing Strong. You aren't going to survive using Gief if you don't know his footsies. He really requires understanding everyone else's footsies strength to win. Even then it's still a hard battle (lol Viper no footsies can still beat him too).

    Abuse his low jump. Bait for SRKs and do like what Wizard said :lol:

  9. I love playing the Gief Match Up, soley because I can do 2 things. One is if I'm Chun, I just sit back and look at the time and if I'm Gouki, Im' practicing links. Real Talk.


    Chun vs Gief is boring as hell.


    Seriously, if You ever find yourselves vs a Gief. Use Chun and just poke the SHIT outta him. Chun can do Standing Fierce and crouching Roundhouse to punish whiffed Lariats. Standing Fierce, Standing Close Forward, Standing Close Fierce & Strong and Standing Roundhouse can beat his jump ins. Throw punish on whiffed Green Hands.


    List goes on.

    He IS using Gief...against Ken....

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